Russian Revolution Timeline

  • Reign of Czar Alexander III (1881-1894)

    Reign of Czar Alexander III (1881-1894)
    • supported pogroms (organized violence against Jews)
    • was an uncompromising anti semitic
    • promoted the nobility (who liked him) over the working class and peasants *citizens were becoming angry with him because he wasn't a fair leader, set foundation for people not liking the Czar
  • Period: to

    Russian Revolution

  • Reign of Czar Nicholas II (1894-1917)

    • believed absolute rule should stay in the monarchy *created the Duma, a legislature to try to make his citizens happier
    • Bloody Sunday happened during his rule
    • he went to war along with his country in WWI
    • stayed in war too long, was blamed for Russia's poor performance in the war *one in power when Russians revolt
  • Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905)

    • Russia and Japan were at war over territory in Northern China
    • Japan was at an advantage because they had more ground troops, and had superior naval forces, had better positioning and control of the sea *Russia began to feel that their government was inefficient, causing a strike, leading to the creation of the Duma
  • Establishment of the Duma

    *was made to boost support for Czar Nicholas because most citizens were not happy with him after Russo-Japanese War and Bloody Sunday
  • Bloody Sunday (January 22, 1905)

    • 200,000 workers marched peacefully into the Czar's Winter Palace to try to get better working conditions
    • the Czar's police fired on the crowd, killing 103,000 *Czar Nicholas II was blamed for Bloody Sunday, causing even more internal conflicts, another reason to make the Duma
  • Russia's Participation in WWI (1914-1918)

    • Czar Nicholas II brought Russia in *Nicholas did not take Russia out of the war early enough, causing more citizens to be unhappy with him *he was also blamed for Russia's poor performance in the war
  • Death of Rasputin

    -he influenced the Czarina's government decisions which citizens did not like
    - was a peasant who became a mystic
    - was assassinated by members of the nobility
    *the Czar was blamed again for this
  • Abdication of Czar Nicholas II/Provisional Gov. Established

    -provisional government set up to replace Czar Nicholas II
    *provisional government refuses to pull out of war
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    • Bolsheviks are communists and the Red Army *Bolsheviks overthrow government in 1917
  • Civil War (1918-1920)

    -Cheka are secret police created by Lenin who attacked people who were against the revolution
    -Red Army (communists/Bolsheviks led by Leon Trotsky) vs. White Army (conservatives, Allies [US, GB, France])
    - Romanovs are killed
    * Red Army won, but 5 million were killed and following the war another 5 million died, government controls resources
  • Stalin's Rise to Power (1922-1927)

    -he manipulated his way into power
    -by 1928 he is total command of the Communist Party
    *later becomes dictator of USSR
  • Establishment of the USSR

    • Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or Soviet Union *self governing republics were to discourage nationalists
    • Communist (Bolshevik) Party holds all power (not true communism)
    • Soviet Union exists until 1991
  • Death of Vladimir Lenin

    Death of Vladimir Lenin
    • sets up competition over his replacement *Joseph Stalin replaces Lenin as leader of Bolsheviks
  • Leon Trotsky's Exile (1929)

    Leon Trotsky's Exile (1929)
    *Stalin exiles Trotsky in order to secure his position as head of the Communist Party, later sends someone to kill Trotsky