The reign of Czar Alexander III (1881-1894)
- Alexander accused Jews of buying too much land, contributing to the poor treatment and persecution against Jews -Promoted nobles -three principle aims: one race, one religion and one-man rule Significance Set foundation for Russian people being unhappy with the Czar
The reign of Czar Nicholas II (1894-1917)
-Nicholas believed he should rule the Russian Monarchy, his subjects did not agree and revolted
-created the Duma
- he ignored the economical and agricultural struggles of his people
- Czar was unprepared for WWI ad was blamed for the failure
- Abdicated his throne in March 1917, a provisional government is set up in his place
Significance fueled peoples disliking of the Czar -
Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905)
- war orginated because of the competition over China and other land
- Japan had built up more troops and had faster / more armed ships
- Russia lost resulting in the Russian Revolution of 1905 Significance Pushed Russia to industrialize
Bloody Sunday (1905)
-200,000 workers marched to Czar's winter palace to present him with a list of grievances and to demand relief from their poor working and living conditions
- Police then opened fire, killing 100 people and injuring 3,000
Significance Bloody Sunday caused uprising across the country and lessened beliefs about government -
The Establishment of the Duma (1905)
-Duma was an elected legislature created by Czar Nicholas II to change the government into a constitutional monarchy
Significance gave the Czar more favor with the people because they gained more power -
Russia in WWI (1914-1918)
-Russia fully mobilizes troops aster Austrian attack on Serbia(july 31st)
- Germany declares war on Russia(aug 1st)
-France and Belgium begin full mobilization
Significance Russian alliance with Serbia forced them into war -
Death of Rasputin (1916)
- After WWI, rumors began circulating that Rasputin had convinced the Czars wife to replace ministers with his incompetent friends. This made him very unpopular among the Russian people
- A Russian noble then attempted to poison him with cake twice, however both attempts were unsuccessful. The noble then finally killed him by drowning him. Significance It is believed that because he was killed by nobles, that was why the Romanov family was murdered
Abdication of Czar Nicholas II (1917)
-Czar Nicolas II was the final Czar of Russia under Romanov rule
- After his abdication and execution a provisional government was set in place by the Duma
Significance set up the provisional government which lasted much longer then planned