Czar Alexander II is assassinated by the terrorist group ‘People’s Will’
Czar alexander the second, ruler of russia since 1885 was killed in st. petersburg by terrorist organization known as the people will. Several previous assassination attempts had been carried out before the czar met his painful demise. The czar was repressive and cruel to his people as he continuously challenged his authority. The people's will took action by deciding to bomb the czar and assign him. The first bomb left the czar unscatyed, but the se nd bomb shattered the czar’s legs and he slow -
Nicholas II crowned czar of Russia
Nicholas was the final czar of the russian empire and was crowned in moscow. He was not trained to rule but was crowned regardless. Despite russia needing change and revolution he tried to maintain an authority. To please his people he created a duma but realized it once the citizens angered him. He lead russia into world war one and left his as he wife alexander in charge so he could lead his army. Soon, the army turned on nicolas and demanded that he gave up the throne. -
Bloody Sunday in St. Petersburg begins the 1905 Russian Revolution
Rusia was losing war against the japanese and had become russia corrupt and oppressive beneath nicholas’s rule. Vladimir lenin begun to conspire with the workers who felt unfairly treated. A conference was held, which allowed the citizens to demand what reforms they felt were necessary, but the reforms were denied. A group of workers lead by radicals Apollonovich Gapon peacefully marched on the czar winter palace. Imperial forces opened fire on the protesters and hundreds were killed and wounded -
World War I begins
World war one began after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, a war that lasted from 1914-1918. Australia-hungary, geers.germany, the ottoman empire, bulgaria, elc were called the central powers. Great Britain, France, ect… were called the allied powers, known at the time of the great war. The battle brought disaster to the europe counties that was costly and painful. The allied powers were victorious, but not without more than 16 million dead including citizens and soldiers alike. -
Bolshevik uprising fails in Petrograd
After a failed attempt taking control, the bolsheviks attempted to seize power in petrograd. Only a small amount of soldiers and citizens went out of their way to support the bolsheviks and their uprising was suppressed by the large percent of loyal troops. A number of the bolsheviks members were arrested and their leader, lenin, fled to finland -
Czar Nicholas II abdicates (gives up power)
After the russian army switched sides in the czar, the imperial goverment had to step down and their place had more professional goverment. Three days after the autocratic goverment failed -
The February Revolution begins with strikes, demonstrations, and mutinies in Petrograd
After several riots had broken out, the petrograd army garrison were commanded to stop the people's up spring. Soldiers fired at the protesters and killed several, but the citizens continued their marches through the streets. The czar nicholas, disassembled the duma he had created and his own army turned on him. This allowed to armys to continue. -
Lenin returns from exile and arrives in Petrograd via a sealed train
Lenin and his followers of the union were arrested in december. Lenin was held in imprisonment for a year before being exiled to siberia for three years. Once his term was over in 1900 lenin furthered his revolutionary views across western europe. After 1905 russia revolution, lenin returned to russia but the czar quickly removed the reforms he made to the people. Lenin was once again thrown back into exile. -
The October Revolution - the Bolsheviks take over Petrograd
Vladimir lenin, leader of the bolsheviks, tried an overthrow against the provisional goverment with the help from leftists revolutionaries. The bolsheviks and their allies infiltrated, goverment buildings and other locations throughout petrograd capital, saint petersburg. Within two days, a new goverment had been formed and lenin was the leader. The new russian goverment renamed russia as the union of soviet socialists republics (USSR) and was the first marxist state throughout the world -
Russian civil war begins
After the bolsheviks seized control from the provisional goverment the next step was to secure their place in power so that no one could take it from them. Lenin negotiated peace with germany which allowed russia to stop their involvement with world war on. Now that russia is safe from germany invitations the bolsheviks could stop the revolutions spurring, by 1921 the bolsheviks were victorious and established their communist party. -
Russia withdraws from World War I
After the bloody october revolution in 1917, russia withdrew from the ongoing great war. Infighting between throughout russia between the bolsheviks and the white guard conservations. Russia could no longer control its armies or riots breaking out. The county was tearing in two and could no longer support the battle of world war one -
The Bolshevik Party changes its name to the Communist Party
After the october revolution the bolsheviks ruled with an iron fist and did not allow other parties to interfere with an exception of the left socialists revolutionaries. After shutting down all their rivals the bolsheviks changed their name to “russian communist party, then all-union communist party in december 1925, before finally settling communist party of the soviet union in october of 1952 -
The capital of Russia is changed from St. Petersburg to Moscow
Saint petersburg was right against the border of germany who russia was at war with, so they moved the capital city more in the middle of russia which is far away from enemy lies. Germany was trying to take the capitals that can devastate a counties nationalism and completely overtake goverment officials. -
Czar Nicholas II and his family are executed
In the middle of the night nicolas and his wife alexander, their five kids and their four servants were forced into the cellar of the house they have been exiled to. The family was told they were being posing for a photo to quiet rumors that claimed they have accepted captivity. After being arranged into two rows a dozen men burst the room and gunned all of them down. Thus, bringing an end to the roman dynasty. -
Lenin dies
Vladimir lenin, leader of the bolsheviks and ruler of the union of soviet socialist republics, passed away from a brain hemorrhage, when he was only 54 years old . he lead russia into a new era of change and maintained control, despite opposing forces. He overcame great hardships and ended up succeeding in his mission -
Russian civil war ends
After the bolsheviks seized control from the provisional goverment the next step was to secure their place in power so that no one could take it from them. Lenin negotiated peace with germany which allowed russia to stop their involvement with world war one. Now that russia was safe from german invasion. The bolsheviks could stop the revolutions spruuring. By 1921 the bolsheviks were victorious and established their communist party.