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Russian Revolution Timeline

  • Czar Alexander II is assassinated by the terrorist group ‘People’s Will’

    Czar Alexander II is assassinated by the terrorist group ‘People’s Will’
    The Czar of Russia, who had been since the year 1855, Alexander II was killed in the streets of st petersburg by a bomb. The bomb was thrown by a member of the revolutionary group ‘People's Will’. The group was organized in 1879 and they employed terrorism and assassinations. They murdered many officials.
  • Nicholas II crowned czar of Russia

    Nicholas II crowned czar of Russia
    Nicholas II was not trained to rule at all. He still wanted only one person to rule the whole country even though people were begging for a change. He was put into the throne because his father Alexander III died and now it was his turn to rule. He resisted reforms until the Bloody Sunday. He was also the last Czar of Russia.
  • Bloody Sunday in St. Petersburg begins the 1905 Russian Revolution

    Bloody Sunday in St. Petersburg begins the 1905 Russian Revolution
    A group of workers led by a priest named Gregory Apollonovich Gapon marched up to the Czar's palace in St. Petersburg to demand what they wanted. When they got there imperials started to shoot at the innocent people. Hundreds of people were killed and hurt badly. All over the country riots broke out and people went on strikes because of how mad they were. In response Nicholas II, the czar of russia at the time, promised reforms.
  • World War I begins

    World War I begins
    In 1914 Franz Ferdinand, the leader of Austria, was assassinated by a serbian nationalist named Gavrillo Princip. This is what triggered the start of world war 1. Austria-hungary declared war on Serbia. What started to get the rest of europe involved in this war was allying. Serbia allied up with other countries and Austria allied up with other countries. The first battle was France and Britain against Germany. In this battle Germany was defeated.
  • The February Revolution begins with strikes, demonstrations, and mutinies in Petrograd

    The February Revolution begins with strikes, demonstrations, and mutinies in Petrograd
    The february revolution begins on March 8th 1917. Riots and strikes started happening because the food supply was very low and people were sick of it. They didn't have any hope in the Czarisim anymore. 90,000 men and women raided buildings and went against the police refusing to leave the streets. The people also destroyed police stations.
  • Czar Nicholas II abdicates (gives up power)

    Czar Nicholas II abdicates (gives up power)
    This took place during the February Revolution. Czar Nicholas II had been the Czar since 1894 and finally had to give up his throne. In March workers and the army garrison went on strike and demanded socialist reforms. The Czar was forced to abdicate. In july of 1918 after Nicholas was kicked out of his thrown him and the rest of his family were gunned down and killed.
  • Lenin returns from exile and arrives in Petrograd via a sealed train

    Lenin returns from exile and arrives in Petrograd via a sealed train
    Lenin was the leader of the Bolshevik Party that had to disperse because they were in trouble. He came back to Petrograd Russia, after fleeing to Denmark, in April 1917. He came back and started up the revolution again. He was a strong voice for Marxism. Right when lenin secretly returned the bolshevik led red guards took out the provisional government.
  • Bolshevik uprising fails in Petrograd

    Bolshevik uprising fails in Petrograd
    In Petrograd, Russia in July of 1917 workers, soldiers, and sailors armed up and went up against the Russian Provisional Government. The mood of this event was way darker and more angry than the February Revolution. The Provisional Government blamed the Bolsheviks for this. Since they were blamed the leadership fell apart and spread out. Lenin fled to another country while others got arrested .
  • Russian civil war begins

    Russian civil war begins
    The russian civil war tore russia apart for many years. The reason it started is because groups started to form that did not like the Bolsheviks. The other groups were known as the whites in this war and the Bolsheviks were known as the reds. The white group was filled with Monarchists and capitalists. In the end The bolsheviks came out with the victory.
  • The October Revolution - the Bolsheviks take over Petrograd

    The October Revolution - the Bolsheviks take over Petrograd
    The October Revolution was also known as Red October and The October Uprising. This revolution was led by the Bolsheviks with their leader Vladimir Lenin. It took place in Petrograd, Russia. They got their arms from the Petrograd Soviet and started taking over government buildings. They ended up taking over The Winter Palace which was a very important building at the time.
  • Russia withdraws from World War I

    Russia withdraws from World War I
    Russia being in the war was one of the things that led to Vladimir Lenin’s Marxist Revolution. In december 1917 germany agreed to talk about having peace. Lenin sent Leon Trotsky to negotiate the peace treaty with germany. Germany denied it because they dmanded independence for Russia holdings in Eastern Europe. Eventually in 1918 right before Germany was about to attack Russia Lenin authorized the treaty.
  • The capital of Russia is changed from St. Petersburg to Moscow

    The capital of Russia is changed from St. Petersburg to Moscow
    After the Russian Revolution Vladimir Lenin moved the capital from St Petersburg (Petrograd) to Moscow. Some of the reasons for this is Lenin didn't want to get attacked. The city was very politically active so it would be easy to attack and take control of since they didn't have a stable government. After this The Kremlin became the seat of power again.
  • The Bolshevik Party changes its name to the Communist Party

    The Bolshevik Party changes its name to the Communist Party
    The Bolshevik party, run by Alexander Lenin, had just won power in the October Revolution and it was there first congress since then. The congress was held in the Taurida Palace in Petrograd. They talked about many things they had planned on there agenda like and on of them was to change there name to the Communist Party.
  • Czar Nicholas II and his family are executed

    Czar Nicholas II and his family are executed
    Nicholas was not a good ruler. He did not care about what the people needed or wanted and got Russia into many wars including World War 1. Russia was not prepared for any wars either. People finally got sick of his actions and did something about it. Only July 16, 1918 Nicholas II and his whole family was executed.
  • Russian civil war ends

    Russian civil war ends
    The Russian Civil war lasted from 1918-1921. It was between other political parties and the Bolsheviks. The other parties were known as the white and the Bolsheviks were known as the red. This war broke Russia up and forced people who knew each other to kill each other. The bolsheviks came out with the victory in the end of the war.
  • The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) established

    The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) established
    This group was made in post-revolutionary Russia. It was made up of Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine, and the Transcaucasiaun Federation. This was a new communist state and it helped Russia a lot compared to the other rulers. It was also the first country in the world to be based on Marxist.
  • Lenin dies

    Lenin dies
    Vladimir Lenin was dedicated to learning about Marxism. He invented the Bolshevik Revolution and was the first leader of the soviet union. He was a very important man back during World War 1 for Russia. He helped Russia get out of the Czars Rule and helped the people get treated more fairly. He died In 1924 from a brain hemiredge. He is the reason that there was a Soviet Union.