Marxists Revolutionaries Split
Marxists revolutionaries disagree over revolutionary tactics. The more radical Bolsheviks are ready to risk everything. The charismatic Vladimir Lenin becomes the leader. -
Revolts in Russia
Reports of repeated Russian losses sparked unrest back at home. This led to a revolt in the midst of a war. -
Sunday Massacre
Approximately 200,000 workers and families approached the czar’s Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. They brought a petition asking for more personal freedom, an elected national legislature, and for better working conditions. Nicholas ll’s generals ordered his soldiers to fire into the crowd, and hundreds were killed. -
The Dissolved Duma
The first Duma meeting was in May, 1906. The leaders involved want Russia to become a constitutional monarchy. The czar didn’t want to share his power, so he ended the Duma after ten weeks. -
Russia's Bold Move
Russia made the bold move to join World War 1, and they weren’t prepared for the economic and military costs. Before a year had passed, there was more than 4 million deaths, injuries, or Russians taken prisoner. -
Petrograd Strike
Woman textile workers located in Petrograd led a strike. Riots formed over the shortages in food and fuel, and nearly 200,000 workers swarmed the streets. At first soldiers followed orders to shoot the women, but they ended up siding with them. -
Winter Palace Ambush
Armed factory workers ambushed the Winter Palace in Petrograd, and they called themselves the “Bolshevik Red Guards.” They took over government offices and arrested leaders of their provisional government. -
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Russia and Germany signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. This treaty made Russia surrender a large part of its territory to Germany and its allies. This treaty humiliated Russians and made them angry. -
Chaos in Russia
Civil War raged in Russia. Around 14 million Russians died from the war and the famine that followed the ending of the war. The destruction and loss of life from the war left Russia in chaos. The Bolsheviks Red Army defeated the White Army, showing they able to seize and maintain power. -
Lenin Enforces NEP
Instead of implementing his plan for a state-controlled economy, Lenin resorted to a scaled down version of Capitalism known as the New Economic Policy (NEP). This allowed peasants to own minor businesses and operate under private ownership. -
Stalins Uprising
Russia was named the Union of Soviet Republics (USSR) and the Bolsheviks renamed their party the Communist Party. Lenin suffered a stroke, which lead to the uprising of Joseph Stalin.