Russian Revolution Timeline

  • Czar Nicholas II abdicates

    Czar Nicholas II abdicates
    He was forced to abdicate the throne by the Petrograd insurgents to install a provincial government in it's place. This left Russia without a Czar
  • Progressive Bloc (Russia)

    Progressive Bloc (Russia)
    Progressive Bloc was an alliance of political forces in the Russian Empire.
    Took 236/442 seats in the Imperial Duma.
    Formed when the state of Duma was recalled to session during WW1 in result of Nicholas II mounting social tensions.
    The program content was determined by how badly people wanted to find common ground for an agreement with the government on the basis of a minimum of liberal reforms.
  • Duma dissolved by Czar Nicholas

    Duma dissolved by Czar Nicholas
    A Duma is a Russian Assembly.
    It was dissolved in 1917 during the Russian Revolution, It was an elected semi-representative body in Russia.It was created by the leader of the ruling Tsarist regime Tsar NicholasII in 1905 when the government was desperate to divide the opposition during an uprising
  • Kerensky becomes Prime Minister

    Kerensky becomes Prime Minister
    Following the July Days unrest in Petrograd and suppression of the Bolshevik's, Kerensky succeeded Prince Lvov as Russia's Prime Minister. He stayed in this position until being overthrown by the Bolshevik's
  • Lenin returns to Russia

    Lenin returns to Russia
    While Lenin was in Finland, General Lavr Kornilov, the Commander-in-chief of the Russian Army, sent troops to Petrograd in what seemed to be some sort of military coup attempt against the Provisional Government.
    Lenin recognized that the situation was safer for him and returned to Petrograd
  • 3rd coalition government with Bolsheviks as the majority

    3rd coalition government with Bolsheviks as the majority
    The Russian Provisional Government established immediately following the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II. The intention of this government was to organize elections of the Russian Constituent Assembly and it's convention. October 1917 the Bolsheviks routed the ministers of the Provisional Government & placed power in the events known as the Soviets or "workers' councils" which gave support to Bolsheviks. The provisional government lasted 8 months before the majority of Bolshevik's over threw them
  • Lenin instated as a chairman of the council of People chambers

    Lenin instated as a chairman of the council of People chambers
    The council of People Chambers was a government institution formed after the October Revolution in 1917. Created in the Russian Republic the council laid foundations in restructing the country to form the Soviet Union
  • The February Revolution

    The February Revolution
    Also known as 'February Bourgeois Democratic Revolution'. Was first of two revolutions in Russia.90,000 men and women were on strike. Most russian's lost faith in the leadership ability of czarist regime. Was in Saint Petersburg.Ended March 16th 1917.
  • No.1 ordered

    No.1 ordered
    Soviet Order Number 1 was issued March 14th 1917 and was the first official decree of the Petrograd Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies. The order was issued following the February Revolution in response to take actions taken the day before. (By the state of Duma) This order directed the military to obey only the orders of the Soviet union. The provisional Government could not make orders.
  • Lenin issues his April Theses

    Lenin issues his April Theses
    The April Theses were a series of ten directives issued by Lenin upon his return to Petrograd from his exile in Switzerland via Germany and Finland. The theses were mostly aimed at fellow Bolshevik's in Russia from exile. He called for all power of the soviet's and denounce liberals and social revolutionaries in the Provisional Government, called for Bolshevik;s not to co operate with the government and wanted new communist policies.
  • The Bolshevik Revolution

    The Bolshevik Revolution
    When Lenin came from exile he convinced the Bolshevik Party to overthrow the provisional government, they did just that, and the Red Guard stormed the Winter Palace. The Bolshevik's seized control of Russia.
  • Russia declares a republic

    Russia declares a republic
    The Russian Republic was a state that didn't last too long. It did control the territory of the former Russian Empire between it's proclamation by the Russian Provisional Government
  • White Army forms in opposition to Bolshevik's

    White Army forms in opposition to Bolshevik's
    The White army was formed inJanuary of 1918 by General Lavr Kornilov. It was formed in direct opposition to the rising power of the bolshevik's dictatorial government and picked up many supporters over the following months, including cadets, socialist revolutionaries and members of the Russian Orthodox Church.
  • Allied fores arrive and arrive alongside Whites

    Allied fores arrive and arrive alongside Whites
    Following the signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, the Central powers gained freedom to pursue the east. In fear of this, the Allies decided to intervene in the civil war in Russia and support the White army. The decision was ultimately inconsequential as the 30,000 sent by the allies were mostly unfit for battle.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    Russia signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with the Central powers to end their participation in WW1. The treaty would be annulled following the signing of the treaty of Versailles on November 11th, 1918
  • Czar Nicholas and family executed

    Czar Nicholas and family executed
    The Romanov dynasty was brought to an end as Czar Nicholas II, his wife Alexandria, and his five kids were brutally executed by the Bolsheviks. They were told they were taking a photo that would assist in their escape and were ambushed by a dozen armed men that shot down the entire family.
  • Lenin's attempted assasination

    Lenin's attempted assasination
    Following a speech he gave in Moscow, Vladimir Lenin was shot twice by Social Revolutionary Fanya Kaplan. Lenin survived the attack, and the backlash of the Bolsheviks on the Social Revolutionaries resulted in thousands of executions.
  • White Army permanently defeated

    White Army permanently defeated
    Admiral Alexander Kolchak, leader of the Anti-Bolshevik forces including the white army, was forced to flee folloowing a raid by the Red Army. In February of the following year, Kolchak was captured and executed by a firing squad. By June, all other Anti-Bolshevik forces had fled from the might of Admiral Mikhail Frunze an the Red Army
  • New Economic Plan announced

    New Economic Plan announced
    Lenin began to fear an impending end to Bolshevik rule following a mutiny from their fiercest supporters, the Kronstadt Sailors. In response, Lenin created the New EonomicPolicy, allowing peasants to sell some of their produce for profit and small traders to start small businesses. As well, nationalities that had been forced into a strict Communist line were allowed to bring back their owns customs
  • Lenin dies

    Lenin dies
    Vladimir Lenin died at the age of 53 after having three strokes. With his death ended the era of Lenin and began the almost 30 year long era of Stalin, Lenin's self-proclaimed pupil