Russian Revolution Timeline

  • Czar Alexander II is assassinated by the terrorist group ‘People’s Will’

    Czar Alexander II is assassinated by the terrorist group ‘People’s Will’
    Czar Alexander ll contributed many attributes to the industrialization and modernization in Russia but failed to stand forward when his reign was challenged and he became repulsive and forceful to the people and denied movements for political structure from the people. These events made the people of Russia angered in result a revolutionary group, ¨People's Will¨ attempted to assassinate Alexander several times before they succeeded on March 13, 1881 in the streets of St. Petersburg Russia.
  • Nicholas II crowned czar of Russia

    Nicholas II crowned czar of Russia
    On November 1, 1894, the Czar of Russia Alexander III die at age 49 due to kidney failure, which meant the were in need of a new czar. The next in line for the throne Czar Alexander the III son Nicholas II, who later married a german born princess alexandra and they became the new czar and czarina in late May of 1896.
  • Bloody Sunday in St. Petersburg begins the 1905 Russian Revolution

    Bloody Sunday in St. Petersburg begins the 1905 Russian Revolution
    January 22, 1905 a group of many workers, citizens, soldiers, led by priest Gregory Apollonovich Gapon marched to St.Petersburg to demand at the Czar's Winter Palace for more government freedoms. The imperial forces opened for on the protesters killing many which was a big factor that contributed to the massacre.
  • World War I begins

    World War I begins
    June 28 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated alongside his wife which was believed as the start of the cold World War I. Austria Hungary and many other countries blamed the Serbian government of placing ferdinand's assassination which sparked countries and allies to go against each other and stated the for fronts of World War I.
  • The February Revolution begins with strikes, demonstrations, and mutinies in Petrograd

    The February Revolution begins with strikes, demonstrations, and mutinies in Petrograd
    In Russia they weren’t as industrialized as they were in Germany, and Russia didn’t have a lot of weapons or equipment. So this made it so there were a lot of casualties. This war made it so Russia's economy fall, and on March 8, about 90,000 people went to the streets of Petrograd. They all fought off the police forces.
  • Czar Nicholas II abdicates (gives up power)

    Czar Nicholas II abdicates (gives up power)
    In March 1917, the army garrison at Petrograd joined striking workers in demanding socialist reforms, and Czar Nicholas II was forced to abdicate. Nicholas and his family were first held at the Czarskoe Selo palace. In July 1918, the advance of counterrevolutionary forces caused the Yekaterinburg Soviet forces to fear that Nicholas might be rescued. After a secret meeting, a death sentence was passed on the imperial family.
  • Russia withdraws from World War I

    Russia withdraws from World War I
    On the Eastern Front of World War I, Russian forces invaded the German-held regions of East Prussia and Poland, but were stopped short by German and Austrian forces at the Battle of Tannenberg in late August 1914. Despite that victory, Russia’s assault had forced Germany to move two corps from the Western Front to the Eastern, contributing to the German loss in the Battle of the Marne.
  • Lenin returns from exile and arrives in Petrograd via a sealed train

    Lenin returns from exile and arrives in Petrograd via a sealed train
    Vladimir lenin had one goal in mind during his life, which was to solve his brothers assassination and get many to follow marxism. After being arrested and exiled in serbia he returned and started his revolutionary. During this time he adopted the pseudonym Lenin and published a pamphlet called, What Is to Be Done? As an attempt to bring socialism into russia.
  • Bolshevik uprising fails in Petrograd

    Bolshevik uprising fails in Petrograd
    The revolts against the government were encourage by Leon Trotsky which was ordered by Vladimir Lenin, who had just got back from exile and they saw their chance to seize the streets of Petrograd. The the provisional government started to destroy the Bolshevik’s newspaper industry offices and Lenin didn’t think it was safe and stop revolting and went into hiding.
  • The October Revolution - the Bolsheviks take over Petrograd

    The October Revolution - the Bolsheviks take over Petrograd
    Bolshevik Party leader Vladimir Lenin led many revolutionaries and launched a nearly bloodless coup d’État against Russia Provisional Government. The Bolsheviks and their allies occupied government buildings and other strategic locations in the Russian capital of Petrograd and within two days had formed a new government with Lenin as its head. Bolshevik Russia, later renamed the USSR, was the world’s first Marxist state.
  • Russian civil war begins

    Russian civil war begins
    The Russian Civil war was a conflict in which the Red Army successfully defended the newly formed Bolshevik government led by Vladimir Lenin against various Russian revolutionary groups and other groups. This war lasted for three years. This war happened because a lot of people didn’t like the way that Lenin was ruling so they tried to overthrow him.
  • The Bolshevik Party changes its name to the Communist Party

    The Bolshevik Party changes its name to the Communist Party
    On March 7, 1918 marks the day the bolshevik party changed their name to the communists party. The cause of this was when the bolsheviks came into power they decided t o change this and distribute the power throughout but when only 25% of the whole national assembly chose lenin decided to keep all the shareable power to himself which cause many people to be angered they split into the reds, the whites The red being the communists defeated the whites and changed to the communist party.
  • The capital of Russia is changed from St. Petersburg to Moscow

    The capital of Russia is changed from St. Petersburg to Moscow
    The capital of Russia is changed from St. Petersburg to Moscow for some good reasons. Moscow was in the center of russia which made its location better than St. Petersburg. Also the population in Moscow was larger, so they decided that it was better to have the capital of Russia to have a large population. Last Moscow was very far from the front lines.
  • Czar Nicholas II and his family are executed

    Czar Nicholas II and his family are executed
    In 1896 a very inexperienced Czar was crowned, Czar Nicholas II, who had some successes such as the establishment of the duma after the russian revolution which promised new government reforms and more government freedoms but that went down when the duma opposed him and he dissolve the duma which made many side with the bolsheviks and other groups. As all this gos down Niclas II leads them to many other wars and led to his and his family's execution.
  • Russian civil war ends

    Russian civil war ends
    The Russian Civil War raged from 1918 until the start of 1921. During this time, the Bolsheviks faced massive opposition to their rule in the form of the White Armies, led by former officers of the Tsarist state, and also from intervention by the forces of foreign countries. The Bolsheviks were surrounded, often outnumbered by their opponents,and had no experienced military commanders.
  • The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) established

    The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) established
    During the russion revolution the the Bolshevik Party under Vladimir Lenin dominated the soviet forces, a coalition of workers and soldiers committees and called for the establishment of a socialist state in the former Russian Empire. In the U.S.S.R., all levels of government were controlled by the Communist Party, and the party’s politburo, with its increasingly powerful general secretary, effectively ruled the country.
  • Lenin Dies

    Lenin Dies
    In Vladimir Lenin early years he wanted to peruse in a law major but abandoned that to devote himself fully to marxism and the freedom and rights of the russian workers. Following his arrest and later moving to the western europe he contributed the Bolshevik faction of the Russian Social Democratic Workers’ Party. Despite the fact Lenin had a short lived due to a brain hemorrhage at the age of 54 he devoted a big part to the russian revolution.