Czar Alexander II is assassinated by the terrorist group ‘People’s Will’
Czar Alexander II was assassinated on March 13, 1881 by a left-wing terrorist group called “People’s Will”. Czar’s death was caused by a bomb thrown by a member of People’s Will, as he drove onto the streets of St. Petersburg. This group was known to believe that forms of terror to higher power or the surrounding people was the best way to force political reform and also overtime overthrow the czarist autocracy. -
Nicholas II crowned czar of Russia
Nicholas was the very last czar in the russian empire and was to be crowned in moscow. He had not been trained to rule but was still crowned even though of the loss of training. Despite Russia needing change and revolution, he tried to maintain an autocracy for czarist absolutism. To appease
His people he had created a duma but receded if once the citizens upset him. -
The February Revolution begins with strikes, demonstrations, and mutinies in Petrograd
The Petrograd army Garrison were commanded to stop the people's uprising after multiple riots had broken out. Soldiers were told to fire at the protesters which resulted in killing many. The citizens still continued their marches through the streets. Nicholas then assembled the duma and his own army turned against him. -
Czar Nicholas II abdicates (gives up power)
The Russian army soon switched sides on Czar forcing the imperial government to lose their power and create and give up their power to a provisional government. A few days later the autocratic government lost power as well. Nicholas soon gave up his throne to his brother Michael. But after Michael would refuse the throne his brother gifted him. Since his brother denied the crown almost five centuries of czars ruling came to an end. -
Bolshevik uprising fails in Petrograd
After failing to take the control the bolsheviks tried to take power in Petrograd. Very small amounts of citizens and soldiers wanted and did support the Bolsheviks and then the uprising was stopped by a large percent of the loyal troops. Their leader Lenin ran away to Finland after member in the Bolshevik group were arrested. -
The October Revolution - the Bolsheviks take over Petrograd
In December Lenin and the supports in the Union were arrested. When Lenin's form was over in 1,900, Lenin found a way to showcase his revolutionary views across western europe. After the Russian Revolution was over, in 1905 Lenin returned to Russia and the czar removed the reforms he made for people. Then Lenin became prince again and was thrown back in his exile. -
Russian civil war begins
For about three years Russia seemed as if it was split in two. This resulted in many revolutions and infightings. This forced Russia from helping out in World War 1. After November in 1917, many groups formed because they did not agree with Lenin and his Bolsheviks new rule. Not one group was able to take power from Lenin and his ruling continued. -
Russia withdraws from World War I
After the October Revolution in 1917, Russia had pulled back from the continuous Great War. Between the Bolsheviks and the White Guard, infighting began. The riots grew stronger in Russia and could not be held under control along with the armies. The country could no longer be apart of supporting the battle of World War
I. -
The Bolshevik Party changes its name to the Communist Party
The BOlsheviks ruled fiercely after the October Revolution.
They did not allow other parties to interfere with the exception of the Left sOcialist Revolutionaries. They were able to shut down all of their rivals. They change the name to the russian COmmunist PArty. Then all - Union communist party was the name in December 1925. Finally they settled on Communist PArty of the Soviet Union in October 1952. -
The capital of Russia is changed from St. Petersburg to Moscow
St Petersburg was bordering war zone countries. Germany, who was at war with Russia and was trying to take the country's capital , was boarding St Petersburg. With war going on the capital was moved more to the middle of Russia making it farther away from enemy lines. If the capital was not moved devastation would have flooded the country and Germany would have better odds of winning the war. -
Czar Nicholas II and his family are executed
Nicholas, his wife ALexandria, their five kids, and their four servants were forced into the celur of their house they has been exiled to in the middle of the night. They were all told they were going to be posing for a photo in order to quiet the rumors that claimed they has escaped captivity. After they were assorted into two rows. A dozen men then burst into the celur and began gunning all of them down. This was the end of the Romanov dynasty. -
Russian civil war ends
The Bolsheviks took all control from the Provisional Government and was moving forward to secure their power in order to secure and make sure no one could seize the power from them. Lenin was able to negotiate with the country of Germany which permitted russia to stop their involvement in World War I. Now the bolsheviks could stop the revolution since Russia was under the protection of Germany. In 1921 the Bolsheviks succeed and established a Communist party. -
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) established
After the Bolshevik revolution, Russia had renamed the Union of Soviet Republics. It was comprised of Russia, ukraine, Belarus, and the Trancancasion Federation. But in 1936 the Trancancasion Federation split off into Georgian, Azerbaijan, and AMerican republics. The Soviet Union was a communist state and was the successor to the Russian Empire. Also it was the first state that based on Marxist Socialism. -
Lenin dies
The leader of the Bolsheviks and the ruler of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was Vladimir Lenin who had passed away due to a brain hemorrhage at the age of 54. He had lead the country of Russia into a new era of change and he was able to maintain the control. He had overcome many challenges and his missions grew successful. -
Bloody Sunday in St. Petersburg begins the 1905 Russian Revolution
Against the Japanese, Russia was losing the war and had become Russia corrupt and oppressive beneath Nicholas’s rule. Then Vladimir Lenin began to conspire with the workers who felt as if they were being treated unfairly. Then a conference was held which allowed the citizens to demand what reforms that made them feel as if they were necessary. But they were denied.