Russian Revolution through World War II by: Ryan Ferebee

  • czar nichola ii takes crown

    czar nichola ii takes crown
    he took over for his father and was not qualified to rulre
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    when unarmed demonstrators marching to present a petition to Tsar Nicholas II were fired at by soldiers of the Imperial Guard
  • Russo-Japanese war

    Russo-Japanese war
    Was fougth for control over Manchuria
  • albert einstien created theory of relativeity

    albert einstien created theory of relativeity
    said space and time are relativeity was made in 1905-1915
  • Hirohito Became Emperor of Japan

    Hirohito Became Emperor of Japan
    known as "his Majesty the Emperor"
  • kuomintang was created

    kuomintang was created
    this was the party that overthrew the Quing dynasty
  • sun yixyan beomes president of china

    sun yixyan beomes president of china
    was the president of the quing dynasty
  • us passes nuetrality act

    the us just wanted to stay nuetral in wars
  • czar nicholas II abdicated

    czar nicholas II abdicated
    was forced to abdicate the throne by the Petrograd insurgents
  • the bolshevik revolution

    the bolshevik revolution
    was led by vladamir lenin
  • lenin becomes leader

    lenin becomes leader after kerensky
  • The March Revolution in Russia

    The March Revolution in Russia
    The ending result was Kerensky
  • Russian Civil War

    Russian Civil War
    was foughtn between the red and white army
  • The March Revolution in Russia II

    The March Revolution in Russia II
    A provisional government was established.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    was a peace treaty between the russian g'vt and the bolshevik
  • the may fourth movement began

    the may fourth movement began
    when angry chinese citizens protested japanese rule
  • Welmar Republic Established in Germany

    Welmar Republic Established in Germany
    was established but only lasted from 1919 to 1933
  • The League of Nations

    The League of Nations
    The League is simialr to todays United Natons
  • New Economic Policy

    New Economic Policy
    Nep( New Economic Policy) was made official on the 21st of March in 1921.
  • Washington Conference

    Washington Conference
    The Washington Conference was a military conference called by President Harding
  • josehp stlin abecome leaders of ussr

    josehp stlin abecome leaders of ussr
    stalin came to power after the death of lenin
  • russia becomes ussr

    russia becomes ussr
    lenin was part of the push to make the ussr
  • hitler became leader of the nazi party

    hitler became leader of the nazi party
    hitler became leader to force his vision
  • Dawes Plan

    Dawes Plan
    Dawes plan was published in August of 1924
  • Jiang Jieshi

    Jiang Jieshi
    Jiang Jieshi Became leader of the Kuomitang.
  • Mussolini comes to power

    Mussolini comes to power
    Mussolini became dictator of Italy of France on 25th of december in 1925
  • civil war in china starts

    civil war in china starts
    the civil war started after sun yixyan died
  • charles lindenburgsnflight across the atlantic

    charles lindenburgsnflight across the atlantic
    charles was just twenty five years old when he made the flight
  • the five year plan

    the five year plan
    the five year plan began in 1928 and lasted from 1940
  • Kellogg-Briand pact signed

    Kellogg-Briand pact signed
    The pact was signed to prevent another world war which failed to prevent world war two
  • the stock mraket crash

    the stock mraket crash
    when stock prices pliunged and banks couldnt give back money
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    The Great Depression "Black Tuesday" happened on October 29th in 1929 it took years to fully recover from it.
  • japan invades manchuria

    japan invades manchuria
    japan invaded because they wanted the power
  • franklin d roosenfelt becomes president

    franklin d roosenfelt becomes president
    he becomes president in the middle of the depression
  • the holocaust begins

    the holocaust begins
    was the persecution of jews
  • hitler became chancelllor

    hitler became chancelllor
    adolf was appointed position because he was seen as a threat.
  • The New Deal Started

    The New Deal Started
    FDR inaugurated the 32nd president of the U.S. When he gave the speech "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself"
  • italy invaded ethiopia

    italy invaded ethiopia
    ethiopia requested help from the league of nations but they were turned down
  • Hitler Breaks the treaty of Versailles

    Hitler Breaks the treaty of Versailles
    Hitler first broke the treaty of versailles when he invaded Rhineland in 1936
  • germany reoccupied rhineland

    germany reoccupied rhineland
    hitler directly defied the treaty of versailles and marched his troops straight into rhineland
  • The Long /march

    The Long /march
    Was a series of marches for commnunist armies to escape the south to the north and west.
  • Rome - Berlin Axis

    Rome - Berlin Axis
    Was formed in 1936 between Italy and Germany. An agreement was by Italy’s foreign minister Galeazzo Ciano informally linking the two fascist countries was reached .
  • the rape of nanking

    the rape of nanking
    when imperial soldiers killed thousands of innocent soldiers
  • anschluss

    when hitler annexed austria
  • Hitler took Sudetenland

    Hitler took Sudetenland
    Hitler took it from czechoslovakia.
  • hitler hosted the munchich confererence

    hitler hosted the munchich confererence
    was an agreement of hitler's annexation of the Czechoslovakian people
  • kristallnact

    was known as the night of broken glass
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    Nazi-Soviet Pact
    was agreement between russia and germany would not attack each other
  • sitzkrieg begins

    sitzkrieg begins
    the invasion of poland
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    Germany Invaded Poland on September 27th,1939
  • Auschwitz opened

    Auschwitz opened
    it really consisted of two parts Auschwits I & II
  • Winston churchhill Becsme the prime minister of GB

    Winston churchhill Becsme the prime minister of GB
    On the outbreak of the Second World War he was made first Lord of the admiralty.
  • allies evacuate Dunkirk

    allies evacuate Dunkirk
    was the evacuation of the British Expeditionary Force and other Allied troops from the French seaport of Dunkirk to England. Naval vessels and hundreds of civilian boats were used in the evacuation
  • the battle of britian

    the battle of britian
    was when hitler tried to take down britian
  • vichy government established in france

    vichy government established in france
    was established after france surrendered to germany
  • Tripartite pact signed

    Tripartite pact signed
    this established the axis powers
  • The Lend-Lease act

    The Lend-Lease act
    Allowed the United States to lend or lease war supplies to any nation.
  • Operation Barbossa

    Operation Barbossa
    was the name for germanys mission to invade the soviet union
  • Atlantic Charter

    Atlantic Charter
    Churchhill and Roosevelt issed this in new founland.
  • japan attacks pearl harbor

    japan attacks pearl harbor
    japan attacked america because they saw them as a threat in the pacific
  • US declares war

    US declares war
    America declared war on japan in 1941
  • Chelmno Opens

    Chelmno Opens
    Chelmno Opened in 1941 many consider it the worst part of the holocaust.
  • The Bataan Death March

    The Bataan Death March
    the transfer by the Imperial Japanese Army of Filipino and American prisoners of war after the three-month Battle of Bataan in the Philippines during World War II.
  • doolittle raids over japan

    doolittle raids over japan
    First attack on Japanese Home Islands.
  • The battle of the Coral Sea

    The battle of the Coral Sea
    was a naval battle between Japan and America
  • The battle of Midway

    The battle of Midway
    Not to Long after Pearl Harbor was attacked America won a victory over japan in this battle
  • the battle of midway

    the battle of midway
    the turning point of the war in the pacific
  • Battle of Alamein

    Battle of Alamein
    was fought for control of north Africa
  • battle of staligrad

    battle of staligrad
    when stali was figthig german forces in his city
  • The battle of Guadalcanal

    The battle of Guadalcanal
    The battle of Guadacanal was fought between the Allies and the Japanese and was fought between 7th of Auggust ,1942 and ended February 7th 1943
  • manhattan project began

    manhattan project began
    the manhattan project was the project that helped create little boy and fat man
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    When Britan and America invaded North Africa
  • hitler enacted the final solution

    hitler enacted the final solution
    is when hitler resorted to sensless killing and murdering
  • Casablanca Conference

    Casablanca Conference
    President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and representing the French forces was Charles de Gaulle Joseph Stalin had declined to attend.
  • Allies landed in Sicily

    Allies landed in Sicily
    the Allies begin their invasion of Europe with landings on the island of Sicily, off mainland Italy.
  • Tehran Conference

    Tehran Conference
    was the first meeting of the big three.
  • D-Day

    D-Day is When the allies invaded normandy on Junes 6th,1944 it was the turning point in the war
  • kamikaze pilots appear

    kamikaze pilots appear
    they were suicide bombers that sunk ships
  • battle of the bulge

    battle of the bulge
    was the last major offensive against allies by nazi
  • Yalta conference

    Yalta conference
    A conference held by the big three.
  • battle of iwo jima

    battle of iwo jima
    is known as operation detachment. america took the island from japan which was a big victory
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
  • mussolini executed

    mussolini executed
    was killed by partisans along with his mistress
  • hitler commited suicide

    hitler commited suicide
    hitler commited suicide to avoid capture
  • germany surrendered

    germany surrendered
    germany surrendered shortly after hitler died
  • V-E day

    V-E day
    is known as victory in Europe day.
  • potsdam conference

    potsdam conference
    Stalin, Churchill, and Truman met in this conference
  • V-Day

    is known as victory over japan game
  • little boy was dropped on hiroshima

    little boy was dropped on hiroshima
    little boy was the first bomb dropped
  • atomic bomb dropped on nagasaki

    atomic bomb dropped on nagasaki
    bomb was dropped three days after hiroshima
  • japan surrendered

    japan surrendered
    japan surrendered after two bombs were dropped on them
  • Nuremberg Trials

    Nuremberg Trials
    Were the trials of Nazi political leaders