The Mensheviks
Formed the miniority of the Socialist Democrat Party when they split in 1903. -
Order No. 1 and 2
Order No. 1 Known as the Petrograd Soviet's first assertions of its own authority as the dominant body in the dual power system. Order No.2 it supported the orders that had just been given in the first assertions. -
Council of People's Commissars
Was a Government institution formed shortly after the October Revolution 1917 -
The February Revolution
Because of Russia’s use of the Julian calendar until February 1918. -
Contact Commission
As an Organ of communication with the Provisional Goverment -
The Bolsheviks Revolution
Party led the Russian Revolution, and Under the new name of the Communist party. The only Ruling party of the Soviet -
The Petrograd Soviet
The Petrograd Soviet Of workers and the Duma for a Provisional Committee, later to become a Provisional Goverment. -
Provisional Government
Promptly introduced freedom of speech and assembly and lifted the tsarist restrictions on minorities. -
Tsar Nicholas II
Abdicates -
Women's Rights
Russian League for Women's equal rights organized a 40,000 person march in Petrograd to demand equal voting rights for women. -
New Revolutionary Goverment
Russian denounce the New Revolutionary Goverment. A new Political System jointly run by the Provisional Goverment and the Soviet Workers. -
Lenin Returns to Petrograd
Returns to Russia from Switzerland in a sealed train supplied by the Germans. -
Psychology of Russian Revolution
The Psychology Front-The Fight for Russian Military power -
Left Socialist-Revolutionaries
A dispute in the Socialist l-Revolutionary Party on the prties towards World War I. -
Kerensky Offensive
The Kerensky Offensive was the last Russian offensive in World War I -
Consecration of the Women's Battallion of Death
A battallion of 300 women, the first such battallion in Russian and even world history. -
The July Days
A response to the failure of Kerensky's war offensive in Galicia. -
Kerensky becomes Prime Minister
The Provisional goverment's choice of Alexander Kerensky as Prime Minister in July of 1917 was important for a number of reasons. -
The Kornilov Affair
Kornilov arrives kn Petrograd and states that Germany will easily win Riga if he is not allowed to complete the military dictatorship. -
The Bolsheviks' Seizure of Power
The Seisure of the General post office, the train stations, the power stations, the State Bank, the central telephones exchanges, and the main goverment buildings. -
The Bolshevik Party
Combined with the soviets of the major cities of Russia toppled the Provisional Goverment. -
The October Revolution
Known in the Soviet literature as the Great October Socialist Revolution -
Left Opposition
Faced with the threat of expulsion, issued a statement to the party pledging that it wpuld discontinue advocating jts views. -
Women's Day
Marhers gathered for International Women's Day Are joined by striking workers and socialist. International Women's Day demonstration in Petrograd. -
Executive Committee
Organization was based on the famous Soviet of Deputies, which had arisen jn 1905. -
Period: to
Russian Revolution/ Russian Civil War