Lenin 58b0a38b3df78cdcd8d9c692

Russian Revolution Project

  • Czar Alexander II is assassinated

    Czar Alexander ii was the ruler of Russia since 1855, and was killed in the Streets of St. Petersburg by a bomb thrown by a member of the Revolutionary group called the People's Will. The People's Will was organized in 1879, Employed terrorism and assassination in attempts to overthrow Russia´s czarist autocracy
  • Lenin returns from exile

    in August 1917, while Lenin was in finland, General Lavr Kornilov the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army, sent troops to Petrograd in what appeared to be a military coup attempt against the Provisional Government… Recognizing that the situation was safer for him, Lenin returned to Petrograd
  • Nicholas II crowned czar of russia

    Coronations in Russia involved a highly developed religious ceremony in which the Emperor of Russia was crowned and invested with regalia, then anointed with chrism and formally blessed by the church to commence his reign.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday also known as Red Sunday is the name of the event of January 9 in St. Petersburg, Russia, When unarmed demonstrators leb by Father Georgy Gapon were fired upon by soldiers of the Imperial Guard as they marched towards the Winter Palace to present a petitions to Tsar Nicholas ii of Russia. Bloody Sunday cause grave consequences for the Tsarist autocracy governing Imperial Russia
  • World War 1 begins

    World War I began in 1914, after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and lasted until 1918. During the conflict, Germany, Austria Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire fought against Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Japan, and the United States.
  • Russia withdraws from WW1

    In 1913, Tsar NIcholas II celebrated the tercentenary of Romanov rule in Russia. He and his dynasty ruled over a huge empire, stretching from central Europe to the Pacific Ocean and from the Arctic to the borders of Afghanistan
  • The February Revolution Begins

    In Russia the February Revolution begins on this day in 1917, when riots and strikes over the scarcity of food erupt in Petrograd. By 1917, most Russians had lost faith in the leadership ability of the czarist regime
  • Czar Nicholas II abdicates

    Nicholas approved the Russian mobilization on 30 July 1914 which led to Germany declaring war on Russia on 1 August 1914. ... Following the February Revolution of 1917, Nicholas abdicated on behalf of himself and his son. He and his family were imprisoned and transferred to Tobolsk in late summer 1917
  • Bolshevik uprising fails in Petrograd

  • Russian Civil war begins

    The Russian Civil War was to tear Russia apart for three years- Between 1918 and 1921. The civil war occurred because after November 1917, Many groups had formed that opposed Lenin's Bolsheviks. Collectively, they were known as the whites while the Bolsheviks were known as the Reds
  • The October Revolution

    The October Revolution, Officially known in Soviet literture as the Great October Socialist Revolution and commonly referred to as Red October, the OCtober Uprising, the Bolshevik Revolution, or Bolshevik Coup was a revolution in russia led by the bolsheviks and Vladimir Lenin that was instrumental in the larger Russian Revolution of 1917.
  • The capital of Russia is changed to Moscow

    Following the success of the Russian Revolution of 1917, Vladimir Lenin, fearing possible foreign invasion, Moved the capital from Saint Petersburg back to Moscow
  • Czar Nicholas II and his family are executed

    in Yekaterinburg, Russia, Czar Nicholas ii and his family are executed by the Bolsheviks
  • Russian Civil war ends

    Lenin negotiated peace with Germany and therefore and end to Russia´s role in WOrld War I. He could not, however, avoid a civil war in Russia. The Bolsheviks were made to fight for control of the country the Russian Civil war raged from 1918 until the start of 1921
  • The union of Soviet Socialist Republics established

    in post-revolutionary Russia, The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is established, comprising a confederation of Russia, Belo russia, Ukraine, and the Transcaucasian Federation. ALso known as the Soviet Union, the new communist state was the successor
  • The Bolshevik Party changes its name to the communist Party

    The Bolshevik Party was a wing of the Russian Social-Democratic Workers Party which is led by Vladimir Lenin, Seized control of the government in Russia and became the dominant political power. The group originated at the party's second congress when Lenin's followers, insisting that party membership be restricted to professional revolutionaries