The Serfs were freeed in this time. -
Unsuccesful war with Japan in 1905. Jan 22, 1905 thousands of men and women and childern peacefully marched into Czar Nicholars winter palace in St.Petterburg. The Czar dissolved the frist two Dumas in 1906 and 1907. http://www.m-a-k.net/CzarNicholasII.jpg -
Trotsky escapes
Trotsky had escaped in 1907and gone extile. -
Return of Trotsky.
Trosky later returned in 1907 to Petrgrard. -
Period: to
World War I
Gemany declared war on Russia in August 1914. Easly over wheled and defeated a poorly trained army. Untrained soilders became rebellious. Shortage of foodand fuel result in increasing the level of social dicontent. Some Russian army units refused to go to war. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c5/EasternFrontWWIIcolage.png/300px-EasternFrontWWIIcolage.png -
The Feburary Revolution
On the Russian calerndar it was in Feburary, so therefor it was the "Feburary" Revolution. On the Russian calendar it was Feburary 25. Strikes and riots began over food and coal shortages broke out in Petrograd. March 15, 1917 goverment forced Czar Nicholas to abdicate (abdicate means to resign the thron. September 1917 the army made a bid to seize. -
Czar Nicholas resigns the thron.
March 15, 1917 goverment forced Czar Nicholas to abdicate (abdicate means to resign the thron. -
The October Revolution
On November 7, 1917 (October 25,1017 on the Russian calendar) Bolshevik led army's , soldiers , and saliors to take control of most key potions. November 8, 1917 all Russian congress of sovients authoized the bosheviks to set up council of people commisars to run the nations goverment. -
After Math
Reconguered Ukaine which it had lost in 1918. United Kingdom recongnize the soviet inion in 1924, followed by US in 1933. Joseph Stallin gained control of the Soviet Union after death of Lenin in 1924. And had control until his death in March 1953. -
Russian Revolution Background Info
Russia expercied great change in late 1800's through 1900's. Received little land and were in debt. Marxist's were influced by Greaman social philospher "Karl Maix. <a href='http://www.google.com/imgres?q=karl+marx&safe=active&hl=en&biw=1024&bih=674&tbm=isch&tbnid=knCPhXhS5oqCLM:&imgrefurl=http://mosaic.hec.ca/fr/billet/what-would-karl-marx-do-wwkmd/44&docid=z2D8wk1tHgdhyM&imgurl=http://mosaic.hec.ca/documents/image/marx.jpg&w=827&h=1102&ei=DdSLUeWKJoyW8gTM7IGgCw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=2&vpy=241&