Russian Revolution-- Mie Meh -Miss. Kipp WH

By miemeh
  • Period: to

    czar nicolas ii rule

    czar wicolas ii ruled for 23 years and was the last romanov king.
  • Period: to

    russian revolution

    the abdication of nicholostt (1868-1918), the last russian czar.
  • russia's time in wwi

    russia spent 3years and 8months fighting in wwi
  • lenin returns to russia

    lenin came back to russia from.
  • beginning of strikes

    women left work, then got men to join, they were mad about not having bread and at the czar.
  • start of october revolution

    the bolshevik's the over political.
  • russia leaves wwi (treaty of brest-litovsk)

    the fighting against germany before their complete collapse.
  • romanov family executed

    his family were located during acampaign against the bolshevik forces.
  • Period: to

    russian civil war

    the russian civil war was to tear russia apart three years between 1918 and 1921.
  • stalin becomes appointed general secretary

    stalin becomes appointed general secretary
    the russian revolution of 1917 stalin was appointed general secretary of the party's central contral commilttee in 1922
  • lenin has 2nd stroke and retires

    lenin has 2nd stroke and retires
    in1922 the russion sfsr joined for mer territes of the russian empire in becoming the soviet union with leninas its leader.
  • bolsheviks established soviet union (U.S.S.R)

    bolsheviks established soviet union (U.S.S.R)
    the bolsheviks ernerged victorious and unified of the former russian empire.
  • lenin dies

    lenin dies
    he died suddenly at 6:50 p.m on jon 21, 1924, a few months before his 54th birth day.
  • stalin creates socialism in one country

    stalin creates socialism in one country
    theory put forth by joseph stalin in 1924 elaborated by nikolai bukharin in 1925 and finally adopted by stalinas state polocy.