reign of Czar Alexander III (1881-1994)
- Was the leader of Russia.
- accused Jews of having to much land
- he came up with 3 principles -autocracy- one-man-rule -orthodoxy- one religion -national homogeneity- one race *His work and ambitions led to the Russian Revolution
reign of Czar Nicholas II (1894-1917)
- He was the ruler of Russia after Czar Alexander III
- NIcholas wanted absolute monarchy and opposed democratic reforms
- He created Duma which will create a Constitutional monarchy so people won't complain.
- He led to the people to dislike the czar and he caused them to revolt because of is ignorance
Russo-Japanese War(1904-1905)
-Russia and Japan were in competition over territories in Northern China
- Japan was more Industrialized
- Russia lost to Japan
* This led to the Russian revolution in general people blamed the czar and people wanted him to change Russia's government into a Constitutional monarchy. -
The establishment of Duma (1905)
- was a legislature for Russia's government.
- created a constitutional monarchy *follows Russo-Japanese war and Bloody Sunday done to improve Czar's reputation
Abdication of Czar Nicholas II/ establishment of Provisional Government(1905)
- People got rid of the czar and made their own government. *This was the end of monarchy and the establishment of a new government.
Bloody Sunday(January 22, 1905)
- The police opened fire, 100 people were killed and 3,000 were injured
- People demanded relief from their working and living conditions *The Russian people had an uprising and teh people had lessened their belief in teh government.
Russia's participation in WWI (1914-1918)
-Russia allied with the Allies and fought against the Central Powers like Japan, Germany, and Austria-Hungary
*The Russian people blamed the czar for the failure in the war. -
Death of Rasputin(1916)
-He was an uneducated person who made his money as a mystic.
- He helped out Alexei's illness lesson
- A Russian noble tried to poison him, shoot him, and finally drown him.
*Czar was blamed for leaving the government in the hands of Alexandra and Rasputin. -
Bolshevik revolution (1917)
-Bolsheviks overthrow the Provisional government.
*This led to the end of the involvement of the Russians in WW1. -
Civil War ( 1918-1920)
-Was the war between the Red army and the white army.
-The Red army were thre Bolsheviks and the White army consisted in some russians and foreign countries.
*This war resulted in the Bolsheviks wining and Bolsheviks created a new government and got rid of monarchy. -
The Establishment of the USSR (1922)
-Union of Societ Socialist Republics
-Communist party holds all the power and is formed by Bolsheviks
-It will last until 1991
*This is not actually a type of communism and leads Stalin to become a dictator -
Stalin's rise to power (1922-1927)
-Manipulates his way into power despite Lenin's concerns
-By 1928 Stalin took total command of the Communist Party
*Stalin becomes a dicator of the USSR. -
Lenin's death (1924)
-dies out of a heart attack
* This leads to a competition in replacement -
Leon Trotsky's exile (1929)
-Stalin sent Leon trotsky to exile to Mexico.
*Leon Trotsky is put to death later because Stalin thinks that he still posed a threat to him.