Russian Revolution

  • Czars continue autocratic rule

    Czars continue autocratic rule
    Alexander III me strict rules. 1 he made the teachers trained their kids to go against their parents if they talk bad about the government.3 In 1894 Nicholas the second took up where Alexander the third did. This led to a long period of time where parents went missing
  • The Russo-Japanese war

    The Russo-Japanese war
    In the late 1800's the russians and japan had a huge fight 2. They fought to take control of Korea and Manchuria 3. The two nations signed agreement for territories.
  • Bloody sunday: The revolution of 1905

    Bloody sunday: The revolution of 1905
    On this date families went to Czars Winter Palace. 2 They went to protest their rights and better working conditions. 3 Nicholas II ordered his troops to kill them all but they only killed a couple hundred this played a role on everyone because saw how bad he is
  • Lenin returns to Russia

    Lenin returns to Russia
    During World War I the Germans had a plan to get Russia out of the war. 2 Their plan was to bring Lenin back to Russia. 3 Lenin Blows up their entire Russia economy from the inside out. This forces Russia to get out of the war and everything begins.
  • The Provisional Gov. Topples

    The Provisional Gov. Topples
    Factory workers started to rebel. 2 The made up a new gang called the Bolsheviks. 3 they started fighting back and they overthrew the Gov. This is a big thing because people started to follow them.
  • Bolsheviks In power

    Bolsheviks In power
    The Bolsheviks were factory that took over Russia. 2
  • Civil war rages in Russia

    Civil war rages in Russia
    Different groups came together to take down the Bolshevik. 2 this group call themselves the white army. 3 even though the white army was defeated the Bolshevik had little aid after the war. This is big in the revolution because no one had food.
  • ew economic policy

    ew economic policy
    Lenin has a new plan to control business. 2 he allowed small businesses in small factory to run privately. 3 but larger companies in factories were still under government control. 3 Government gave a little bit of freedom but not a lot to the businesses.