Russian industrialization
*In 1900, russia became the 4th largest producer of steel
*the trans- siberian railroad construction began in 1891
-They may start a revolution because of poor working conditions -
Period: to
Russian industrialization timespan
*In 1900, russia became the 4th largest producer of steel
*the trans-siberian railroad construction began in 1891
- they may start a revolution because of poor working conditions -
the revolutionary movement grows
*industrialization shows poor working conditions
* trade union banned and strikes happened to fight for better working conditions
-they started several revolution movements to grow and compete for power -
bloody sunday; the revolution of 1905
*working conditions, more personal freedom and an elected national legislaturewere on a petition thta people carried
*more than 1,000 people were wounded and several hundred were killed because nicholas #'s generals ordered soldier to fire at the crowd
*Nichlas promised more freedom and approved the duma-russia's first parliment
-more personal freedom started more conflict -
world war 1 the final blow timespan
*russia was unprepared for nicholas 2 fateful decision to drag russia into ww1
*more than 4 million russian soldiers were killed, wounded or held captive before the year had passed
-russia didn't like nicholas 2 decision to put russia into ww1 -
Period: to
World war 1: the final blow timespan
*Russia was unprepared for Nicholas 2 fateful decision to drag Russia into ww1
*more than 4 million Russian soldiers were killed, wounded or held captive before the year had passed
- Russians didn't like Nicholas 2 decision to put Russia into ww1 -
the bolshevik revolution
*armed factory workers stormed the winter palace in petrograt without warning
*leaders of the provisional government were arrested and they took over government offices
-russians liked lenin's slogan of peace land and bread -
the march revolution
*czar steps down
* shortage of bread and fuel flared riots
*on the 200,000 people shouting '"down with the autocracy" and " down with the wind"
*conditions in russia worsened as the war went on
*duma leaders created a provisional government which is a temporary government
-the shortage worsened and the czar steps down while the duma created a temporary government -
civil war rages in russia
*the white war was forced in them by their opponents
*very different groups made up the white army
*the us and other western nations sent military aid but they were of not much help
*there earlier civil war was less deadly than this one
*all opponents at the end were crushed by the red army
-the red army took control of the opposite groups -
Period: to
Civil war rages in russia timespan
*the white war was forced on them by their opponents
*very different groups made up the white army
*the u.s and other western nations sent military aid and forced Russia to help the white army but they were of not much help
*there earlier civil war was less deadly than this one
*all opponents at the end were crushed by the red army
-the red army took control of the opposition groups -
Lenin restores order
*lenin changed his mind on what he was doing to revive the economy and restructure the government
*major industries, banks and means of communication were controlled by the government but small factories, businesses and farms were privately owned
*foreign investments were also encouraged by the government
*By 1928, russian farms and factories produced as much as they did before ww1
- lenin encouraged foreign investments and tried to reserve the government -
Period: to
Lenin restores order timespan
*lenin changes his mind on what he was doing to revive the economy and restructuring the government
*major industries, banks and means of communication were controlled by the government but small factories, businesses and farms were privately owned
*Foreign investments were also encouraged by the government
*By 1928, russian farms and factories produced as much as they did before ww1
-lenin encouraged foreign investments and tried to restore the government