Period: to
Decembrist Revolt
took place in Imperial Russia on 26 December 1825.Russian army officers led 3,000 soldiers into a protest against Nicholas I.
beacuse he was next in line for the throne after his older brother Constantine. -
Czar Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs
The 1861 Emancipation Manifesto proclaimed the emancipation of the serfs on private estates and of the domestic (household) serfs. By this time more than 23 million people received their freedom. Serfs were granted the full rights of free citizens, gaining the rights to marry without having to gain consent, to own property and to own a business. -
Nicholas II becomes czar of Russia
He inhareted the throne when his father died. His fater was Alexander III, he died in 1894. So Nicholas II became Tsar. -
The Social-Democratic Labor Party splits into two groups, Mensheviks and Bolsheviks
the Bolsheviks (Russian for "majority"), headed by Lenin, and the Mensheviks ( Russian for "minority"), headed by Julius Martov. They split on November 17th 1903 When they met to create a united force but they ended up spliting. -
The Russo-Japanese War
The Treaty of Portsmouth ended the Russo-Japanese War of 1904, Russia and Japan had endured several years of disputes over control of Manchuria. The Russians had entered the region during the Sino-Japanese War of 1894–95 and, along with Germany and France, was a part of the “Triple Intervention” that forced Japan to give up its demands for ports in South Manchuria. -
The Revolution of 1905
The revolution of 1905 happend beacuse political and social problems and it spread through most of the Russian Empire. Some people blamed the government and some didnt know who to blame. -
Bloody Sunday
In St. Petersburg People were protesting unarmed and they were fired upon by soilders of the Imperial Guards. When trying to show a petition to Nicholas II. The number of people killed is not known for sure but the Tsar's officials recordedis 96 dead and 333 injured, the anti-government claimed more than 4,000 dead and 1,000 killed or wounded, -
Russian Involvement in World War I
The Eastern front extent the entire frontier between the Russian Empire and Romania on one side and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Bulgaria and Germany on the other. It stretched from the Baltic Sea in the north to the Black Sea in the south, included most of Eastern Europe and stretched deep into Central Europe as well. -
The March Revolution
Workers demanded a 50% wage incress so they could buy food but they were denied so they went on strike. 30,000 people were locked out of work and were not getting paid so they couldnt buy food anymore. They had to look for somewhere else for food. The Riots were getting worse and Nicholas II was told about them and he said they needed to be stoped by March 10th. They tried to stop it but some poeple got shot and it made it worsre they were letting people out of prision and they were demanding t -
Czar Nicholas II abdicates the Russian throne
Been the ruler of Russia since 1894. Nicholas II chose to abdicate.He drew up a new manifesto naming his brother, Grand Duke Michael, as the next Emperor of all the Russias.In which his brother declinded and it came to an end no more Tsar's -
Alexander Kerensky becomes the leader of the provisional government
He was a lawyer and major political leader before the Russian Revolutions of 1917 belonging to a socialist party called The Trudoviks. After the February Revolution Kerensky served as a Minister of Justice in the democratic Russian Provisional Government. In may he became The Minister of War. In July he became the second prime minister until the bolshiviks over took it. Later on at age 89 he was living in new york and dieing there. -
Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks capture the Winter Palace
Lenin ordered an assault on the Winter Palace the night of October 25. Although later it was portrayed the attack was a savage battle. The defenders of the Palace (Cossacks), a women’s battalion and military cadets or yunkers gave up with little resistance. -
The Russian Civil War begins
Fought Between the Bolshevik Red army and the White army. Whites were led by Pyotr Nikolayevich Wrangel. The reds led by Commissar Leon Trotsky. Latrer on the Red won. -
Nicholas II and his family are executed
Nicholas was forced to abdicate his throne and him and his famlily were taken to a secret place and one day him and his family were led down stairs to take a family picture or what they thought was a family picture. What really was happinging is there was a fireing squad and they ended up not making it out alive. Yurovsky was the head of the squad and said we must shot them all tonight. So they led the serveants and the doctor also down there with them and all were killed. -
Vladimir Lenin diies and Josef Stalin becomes leader of the Soviet Union
After the death of Vladimir lenin there were many quistions about who would become the next leader. It was ehter Trosky or Stalin and later on Stalin was chosen.