Russian Revolution Events

  • Tsar Nicholas II Crowned Tsar of Russia

    Tsar Nicholas II Crowned Tsar of Russia
    Nicholas II's father, Alexander III died in November 1894, so two years later Nicholas II took the throne. He was crowned at the old Ouspensky Cathedral. Tsar Nicholas II was the last tsar Russia ever had.
  • The Russo-Japanese War

    The Russo-Japanese War
    The Russo- Japanese war was a disaster for Russia. The war was fought on the eastern parts of Russia. At the end of the war, Nicholas II was no longer considered “the father of his people”.
  • The 1905 Revolution

    The 1905 Revolution
    The revolution started off as a peaceful protest. It wasn’t a peaceful protest anymore after the soldiers shot and killed many of the protesters which is known as Bloody Sunday.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Riots were started by workers because of jobs. The workers went on strike, the strikes soon turned into riots. Tsar Nicholas II tried to stop the riots. He ordered the police to take care of the riots, but that only made it worse. Many people were killed and wounded that day, known as “Bloody Sunday”.
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    The March Revolution was the start of the Russian Revolution. The city’s largest factory workers went on strike. Soon after that, those workers convinced other workers to join them, and riots began. Tsar Nicholas II ordered the police to take care of the riots. Police taking care of the riots only made the rioters more angry because people were killed.
  • The October Revolution

    The October Revolution
    On October 25th, the Bolsheviks came into the Winter Palace and arrested the Provisional Government. Vladimir Lenin announced that there would be a new government in Russia. That new government would be run by The Soviets.
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    The October Revolution

    On October 25th, the Bolsheviks came into the Winter Palace and arrested the Provisional Government. Vladimir Lenin announced that there would be a new government. That new government would be run by The Soviets.
  • The Russian Civil War Begins

    The Russian Civil War Begins
    The war began because many groups wanted to destroy the Bolsheviks. Another reason this war started were because of Czech prisoners. These prisoners took control of the Trans-Siberian Railway in 1918.
  • The Treaty of Brest-Litovisk

    The Treaty of Brest-Litovisk
    The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk brought an end to the war between Russia and Germany in 1918. When Lenin signed the treaty Russia lost Riga, Lithuania, Livonia, Estonia and some of White Russia. Signing the treaty also helped Lenin to strengthen his hold on the party even more.
  • The Russian Civil War Ends

    The Russian Civil War Ends
    At the end of the war, the Bolsheviks had victory. The war ended because Lenin agreed to the Treaty of Riga. The treaty is what ended the war.
  • USSR Formed

    USSR Formed
    The USSR was formed after the fall of the Russian Empire.Stalin took control after Lenin died. Stalin started a new form of government. The communist party took control of all the levels of government. The USSR is also called the Soviet Union, their government is based off of Marxist Socialism.