Russian Revolution

  • Civil War between Red and White Armies

    This event was known as the Russian civil war. The russian civil war was caused between 2 different political groups which ended up getting in a fight so they could decide how communism would end.
  • Nicholas II becomes Czar/Tsar of Russia

    He was offically crowned as the tsar in moscow. He was not fit for his role as king.
  • Revolution of 1905 "Bloody Sunday"

    Bloody Sunday was a massacre in St. Petersburg Russia. This event marked the beginning phases of the Russian Revolution.
  • Russia loses war with Japan

    After Japan had defeated russia they became the first Asian power in modern times to defeat a European power.
  • Russia enters World War I

    Russia entered the war to suppport Serbia. This led to Germany declaring War on Russia.
  • Bolshevik Revolution defeats Tsar Nicholas' monarchy government

    After the Bolsheviks successfully took down the monarchy, Czar Nicholas were held captive by the Bolshevik. They were later killed by the Bolshevik troops.
  • March Revolution

    90,000 men and women went on strike because demonstrators were clamoring for bread and they followed. The corruption and inneficiency of the imperial government were the main causes of this strike.
  • Czar Nicholas abdicates the throne

    The army garrison at Petrograd joined striking workers in demanding socialist reforms. Czar Nicholas II was forced to step down from the throne. Nicholas and his family were first held at the Czarskoye Selo palace, then in the Yekaterinburg palace near Tobolsk.
  • Lenin Returns to Russia

    Lenin Returns to Russia after being exiled for a decade. He became the main cause of the russian revolution once he returned.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk ends Russia’s involvement in WWI

    On March, 3rd, 1918, Russia officially signed a treaty with the Central Powers meaning they withdrawed from World War 1.
  • Lenin establishes New Economic Policy

    The NEP was introduced by Vladimir Lenin on march 1921. This caused a shift in the Bolshevik economic strategy. It eased the restriction of the war over communism.
  • Stalin becomes Dictator

    After Stalin defeated his opponents in the party Stalin had leadership over the state and he officially became the leader of Russia which was now called the USSR.