The Decembrist Revolt
3000 Russian soldiers were marched into the Senate Square to argue the succession to the throne. Becuase Nicholas I's older brother, Constantine, removed himself from the line of succession, Nicholas I was the next in line. The marchers did not agree with this change of succession, and stood in Senate Square for hours. After multiple attempts to difuse the situation, Nicholas ends the revolt by using his 9000 loyal troops and his 3 artillery weapons to kill and scare away the revolters. -
Nicholas II becomes Czar
Last Czar of Russia, Reigned from Nov 1st, 1894 to July 17 1918 -
The Russio-Japanese War
Russia wanted a warm water port on the Pacific Ocean. Russia fought against Japan and was defeated. War ended with the treaty of Portsmouth. -
Bloody Sunday
Unarmed demonstrators were shot at by soldiers of the Imperial Guard as they marched toward the Winter Palace to present a petition. They were non-violent, but shot anyway. This is one of the key events that led to the Russian Revolution of 1917. -
Russia in WWI
Russia suffered heavy loses in the war. They had poor transportation systems, and only 1 in 3 soldiers actually had a rifle. Russia had enormous casualties and the Czar and Generals took the blame. -
The March Revolution
Focused around St. Petersburg. People demanding wage increases, others going on strike for multiple different reasons. -
Czar Nicholas II abdicates the throne
Czar Nicholas II is forced to abdicate the throne. He claimed that he did it becuase of his son, but it was really because he had been a bad czar. He had gotten a lot of Russians killed, and all of his advisors and army turned against him. His son had hemophilia, so Nicholas II chose to abdicate for his son. -
Russian Civil War Starts
Bolsheviks, the red Communist people, vs. the Mensheviks, rhe white, non-communist group. In the end, the Bolsheviks win and the USSR is formed. -
Formation of the USSR
After the Russian Civil war between the Bolsheviks and the Menshaviks, the USSR was formed to be a Communist nation. -
Vladimir Lenin's Death
When Vladimir Lenin died, it created a power race to see who would take over. He died of a stroke. After his death, Stalin took power.