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Russian Revolution

By Urvi
  • Period: to

    Russian Revolution

  • Reign of Czar Alexander iii ( 1881-1894)

    Reign of Czar Alexander iii ( 1881-1894)
    • blamed Jews for his father assassination
    • promoted the nobility and anti-semitism
    • had three principles; autocracy, orthodoxy, national homogeneity
      • Autocracy: one-man rule
      • Orthodoxy: one religion
      • National homogeneity: one race
    • tried to spread his principles (Estonia, Latula, Lithuania, Poland)
    • died and son took over Significance: angered Jewish peasants (everyone who were not in nobility) before Nicholas takes the throne, already giving them a reason to revolt
  • Czar Nicholas ii (1894-1917)

    Czar Nicholas ii (1894-1917)
    • He thought people should not be involved in gov't (absolute rule)
    • Living conditions were unsanitary and work hours long for peasants
    • Russians wanted to industrialize and urbanize: Czar Nicholas did nothing in response
    • Impact: Russians felt ignored and angry
    • Duma created
    • Czar steps down from gov't Significance: Czar Nicholas gets abolished and Provisional Government gets created (later gets overthrown)
  • Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905)

    Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905)
    • origins of the war started when Russia and Japan arguing over land in Northern China
    • Japan had advantage during war: they built up more ground troops in northern China
    • Japan had better Navy because Russia had still not finished industrializing
    • Russia was embarrassed because they lost land in Northern China and became Constitutional monarchy
    • Russia was forced to industrialize (Duma) Significance: caused tension to grow between two nations which lead to war
  • Bloody Sunday (January 22, 1905)

    Bloody Sunday (January 22, 1905)
    • 200,000 workers marched on Czar's Winter Palace
    • wanted to present him with a list of grievances and wanted their living conditions to improve
    • Police open-fired on protesters killing 100 people and 3,000 injured
    • long-term: more strikes and disorder throughout Russia Significance: result of Russian and Japan war ruin czar's reputation and Duma was established (led peasants hate government)
  • Establishment of the Duma (October 30, 1905)

    Establishment of the Duma (October 30, 1905)
    • An elected legislature intended for people to have some participation in the government
    • created to abolish absolute rule for constitutional monarchy Significance: People mad and Czar Nicholas wanted people to like him
  • Russia's participating in WW1 (1914-1917)

    Russia's participating in WW1 (1914-1917)
    • Austria joins WW1 to help Serbia
    • Germany joins the same time
    • Russia was not industrialized so lost to Germany and it's allies
    • drop out of war early Significance: Czar Nicholas gets blamed
  • Death of Rasputin (December 30,1916)

    Death of Rasputin (December 30,1916)
    • Rasputin was eventually killed
    • Tried to be killed three times
    • First time: tries to be poisoned by food and drinks (didn't work)
    • Second Time: shot two times (didn't work but still weak)
    • Third Time: drowned in a river (finally worked) Significance: contribute to Czar's bad reputation (blamed for Rasputin's death) and putting his friends in the gov't
  • Bolshevik Revolution (1917-1920)

    Bolshevik Revolution (1917-1920)
    • Bolsheviks are communists and overthrow the gov't
    • Provisional Gov't falls
    • Soviets (peasants and soldiers) became more powerful than gov't
    • promote revolution and socialism
    • Lenin takes advantage of weak gov't
    • "Peace (from WW1), Land (more for peasants), Bread (more food)"
    • Revolution stops when Bolsheviks win Civil War Significance: Bolsheviks tried to overthrow the Provisional gov't
  • Abdication of Czar Nicholas ii/ establishment of Provisional Government (March 15, 1917)

    Abdication of Czar Nicholas ii/ establishment of Provisional Government (March 15, 1917)
    • He wanted his people to like him (his people disliked him)
    • He created an elected legislature to abolish absolute rule
    • WW1 impacted his power
    • blamed for military failures March 1917: street demonstrations broke out in capitol March 15: gave up power
    • Provisional Gov't set up (temporary gov't) Significance: it lead to the Bolshevik Revolution
  • Civil War (1918-1920)

    Civil War (1918-1920)
    • Red (Bolshevik) vs. white (conservative)
    • Red Army:
      • want protect the revolution
      • advantage: unified and industrialized areas
      • disadvantage: area they controlled shrank and already preoccupied during war
    • White Army:
      • want life before revolution
      • advantage: European powers
      • disadvantage: not unified and lack of supplies
    • Red Army won
    • negative impacts on Russia after war Significance: leads to establishment of USSR where the Red Army hold all power and has control of Russia
  • Establishment of USSR (1922)

    Establishment of USSR (1922)
    • made of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Soviet Union)
    • self-governing republics discourage nationalism
    • communist party holds all the power
      • not true communism
    • Soviet Union will exist until 1991 Significance: Long lasting gov't and dictatorship under Stalin and Bolsheviks have control of Russia
  • Lenin's Death (1924)

    Lenin's Death (1924)
    • Lenin dies
    • setting up competition over his replacement
      • Leon Trotsky: Red Army Commander
      • Joseph Stalin: A member of Communist Party Significance: Stalin rises to power and manipulates the gov't
  • Stalin's rise to power (1922-1927)

    Stalin's rise to power (1922-1927)
    • Stalin rises to power
    • manipulates his way into power despite Lenin's concerns
    • 1928: Stalin is in total command of Communist Party
    • gets people to turn against Trotsky Significance: has power and turns into a dictatorship
  • Leon Trotsky's exile (1929)

    Leon Trotsky's exile (1929)
    • Commander of Red army during the civil war
      • won the Civil War
    • Trotsky exiled in 1929 and will be killed Significance: proves how powerful Stalin is and wanted to take all the power of the Communist party