Russian Revolution

  • Rasputin executed

    Rasputin executed
    Grigory Rasputin was murdered by Russian Nobles because they were afraid that he would gain too much influence over the royal family. He gained more power through Alexandra after Nicholas left for the war and led to more corruption in Russia. After being led to Youssupov palace by nicholas' cousin, he was fed cyanide laced food and wine. After not perishing due to that he was shot, he still was able to survive that he was beaten and bound and finally thrown into a river.
  • Communism takes over Russia

    Communism takes over Russia
    the Bolsheviks seized power during the october revolution, this group that embodied marxist ideals was the first of its kind to take over Russia.This meant that Russia's government would be based off common ownership of the means of production and the non existence of social classes, the state, and money. They later changed their name to Communists and attempted to spread their social ideals all across Europe.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    During this period, the czars attempts at war during WW1 where shown to be failures. As Lenin and the Bolsheviks tried to seize power, one of the first actions they planned to take was to stop Russia's participation in the war. After a cease fire was declared in December of 1917, negotiations of peace began and within 4 months the final treaty was signed. In the treaty Russia was to give independence to 10 formerly Russian owned territories.