Revolution of 1905 and the October Manifesto
This photograph is significant as it depicts the events that occurred during the 1905 Revolution and the violence of the Bloody Sunday event. These violent events evoked the issue of the October Manifesto. -
Beginning of WWI
This image of the Russian flag during 1914 is significant as it symbolizes patriotism. This patriotism reveals the initial patriotism and enthusiasm that the Russians felt upon Russia's entrance in the war. -
Tsar Nicholas II takes sole control of military operations
This image is significant as it depicts Tsar Nicholas II at the front lines accompanied with military officers, showing his role at the WWI front lines as the commander-in-chief. -
Brusilov Offensive
The high five represents the Russian victory against the central powers as this offensive was one of their more highly successful ones. -
July Days
The fire in this photo represents the violent nature of the July Days and the angry expressions on the faces represent the people's need and want for change through these demonstrations. -
Assassination of Rasputin
This political cartoon is significant as it symbolizes the reason as to why Rasputin was assassinated. Just as Rasputin is depicted holding the tsarina and tsar as puppets and being a larger figure over them, Rasputin was seen as having a large influence over the them, causing Russians to be angered and led ultimately to his murder. -
International Women's Day March in Petrograd
This image is significant as it depicts the enormity of the peaceful march with hundreds of women protesting in Petrograd. -
Nicholas II abdicates
This image is significant as it symbolizes how the tsar's new role in Russia. Upon his abdication, the tsar lost his power and his "crown," which the picture resembles as the crown is crossed off. -
Provisional Government formed
This image is significant as it depicts the wealthy, elite representatives in the Provisional Government. -
Return of Lenin from exile
This image is significant as it depicts Lenin's return to Russia upon a board accompanied by German officers. -
April Theses published
This image is significant as it depicts Lenin delivering his April theses toward the Russians. -
First All-Russian Congress of Soviets meets
This image is significant as it was the emblem, or symbol, of the First All-Russian Congress of Soviets, symbolizing the committee and the organization's purpose. -
Kornilov Affair
The stop sign represents how the Provisional Government stopped the attempted coup d'état by Kornilov. -
Bolsheviks overthrow the Provisional Government
Though he was not a monarch, the crown on Lenin symbolizes his gain of power after overthrowing the Provisional Government. -
Cheka formed
This picture of James Bond, who is a secret agent, reflects the Cheka secret police. Both are secret agencies targeted at opponents. -
The Constituent Assembly meets and is disbanded
Thanos literally dissolving reflects the way the Bolsheviks dissolved the Constituent Assembly. -
Trotsky organizes Red Guard to defend Petrograd
The red guards protecting the empire in Star Wars reflect Russia's red guard protecting the Bolshevik's and their values - the red is also symbolic. -
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
This picture is a visual representation of the paperwork being laid out for the treaty between Russia and the central powers. -
Wartime Communism Created
This photo from the farming game, Stardew Valley, represents how part of war communism was targeted toward the peasants and their grain as it was requisitioned and given to the army. -
Red Terror
This picture reflects the way the Bolsheviks targeted all political opponents throughout Russia as seen in the wide spanning red on the map of Russia. -
Kolchak begins serious attacks against Reds from Siberia
The picture of an energy drink displays the White army’s initial gains with the spring offensive. But as time went on, the advantage wore off and the Red Army took the lead. Similar to the effects of an energy drink. -
Poles move toward Kiev
The image of several white blood cells fighting the pathogen together represents how the Polish and allied Ukrainian forces worked together to takeover Kiev. -
Soviets attempt to take Warsaw
The image shows how the Polish were victorious in defeating the Soviets when they tried to attack and take over Warsaw. -
Tambov Rebellion
The picture represents the many angry peasants rebelling against the Bolshevik government during the Russian Civil War in Tambov. -
Kronstadt uprising
The image displays the sailors revolting Bolshevik rule in Krondst. -
Ending of Wartime Communism
The image displays how the end of wartime communism marked a change in Lenin's plans, taking on NEP. -
Treaty of Rapallo
The image displays the agreement between Germany and Russia to maintain a diplomatic relation. -
Ukraine brought under Soviet control
The image displays how the Red Army controlled lots of Ukrainian land, finally bringing Ukrainian SSR into the Soviet Union. -
Formation of Soviet Union
The picture displays the leaders of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Transcaucasia, coming together in agreement to create the USSR. -
Lenin dies
The picture shows Lenin's death of bad health and strokes.