Russian Revolution

  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    500 protesters were massacred on Bloody Sunday, starting months of protest and disorder throughout Russia. This was the supposed start of the Russian Revolution.
  • Grigori Rasputin is Assassinated

    Grigori Rasputin is Assassinated
    It took a lot of work to kill Rasputin even though the plan seemed simple.
  • March Revolution

    March Revolution
    The first stage of the revolution of 1917 overthrows the monarchy and replaces it by the Provisional Government.
  • Lenin and the Bolsheviks Return

    Lenin and the Bolsheviks Return
    Lenin, Zinoviev and other Bolsheviks arrives in Petrograd coming from exile in Switzerland.
  • Strikes Escalate

    Strikes Escalate
    700,000 railway workers on strike; leading Bolsheviks released from prison.
  • Bolsheviks Take Over Petrograd

    Bolsheviks Take Over Petrograd
    Bolsheviks take control of the Petrograd Soviet, and Leon Trotsky, leader of the Red Guards, becomes president
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    Lenin signed a treaty with Germany, taking Russia out of WWI.
  • USSR Established

    USSR Established
    Lenin helped establish the United Soviet Socialists Republic, a communist country.