Marxists Revolutionaries Split
The Marxists revolutionaries disagree over revolutionary strategies. The more radical Bolsheviks are willing to risk everything. Vladimir Lenin becomes the leader. -
Russo-Japanese War
Russia broke the agreements with Japan over the territories of Korea and Manchuria and the Japanese attacked at Port Arthur, Manchuria. As Citizens of Russia began to revolt because Russia was losing frequently. -
Bloody Sunday
Workers in Russia ask for many new freedoms and legislature at the czar’s Winter Palace. Soldiers were ordered to shoot at the families and 1,000+ were wounded or killed. This caused many strikes to happen throughout the country. -
The First Duma Met
The Duma’s leaders were moderates who wanted Russia to become a constitutional monarchy. But, the czar was hesitant to share his power, so he got rid of the Duma after 10 weeks. -
WWI: The Final Blow
Nicholas II decided to bring Russia into the war. Russia’s military wasn’t prepared, and wasn’t ready to handle economic costs. Germany's army was a lot stronger than Russia’s. Before a year had passed, 4 million Russians were dead. Russia being involved presented weakness of military leadership and czarist rule. -
The March Revolution
In Petrograd, Russia women who worked in textiles had started a strike. Soldiers eventually sided with the people and refused to shoot them. This revolution had turned into an uprising and caused the czar, Nicholas II, to leave the throne. -
The Provisional Government Topples
In Petrograd at the Winter Palace, factory workers took over government offices. They also arrested leaders who worked in the provisional government. -
Russia and Germany Signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk- Russia surrendered a large chunk of land and focus Germany on the west (France, Great Britain). The humiliation of Russia triggered anger throughout their country. They objected towards the Bolsheviks and threatened to murder the royal family. -
Civil War Rages in Russia
The Bolsheviks formed the White Army, which was made up of very different groups. Some wanted to return to rule by the czar, while others wanted a democratic government. The groups barely cooperated with each other. Leon Trotsky commanded the Bolshevik army. Several Western nations, including the US, sent military aid to Russia to help the White Army. But, in the end they were little help. -
New Economic Policy
Lenin put away his plan for a state-controlled economy, and decided to go to a small version of capitalism called the New Economic Policy (NEP). Reforms within NEP allowed peasants to sell crops instead of turning down the government. -
Political Reforms - Stalin Becomes a Dictator
Russia was named the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), honoring the councils that helped start the the Bolshevik Revolution; which was later renamed the Communist Party. Lenin suffered a stroke which started competition for heading up the Communist Party. The two most known men in the running, were Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin. Later on, Stalin had taken complete control of the Communist Party.