First Romanov Ruler
Michael Romanov was the first Romanov tsar in 1613 after 15 years of troubled times after Fyodor I's death -
Most Significant thing Alexander II Did
Alexander created an emancipation, or freedom, law, which said that serfs could now marry, own property, and argue court cases -
The birth of Vladimir Lenin
Significant thing that helped Vladimir Come to Power
Lenin also soaked up the writing of Karl Marx, the German philosopher whose famous book Das Kapital would have a huge impact on Lenin’s thinking -
2 problems that led to the Russian Revolution
The new middle class and "educated society" wanted greater legal rights and participation in affairs of state and the peasantry still hungered for that portion of the land they had not received in the emancipation from serfdom. -
Most significant thing Nicholas II Did
Demonstrators appealed to Nicholas II to improve working conditions and establish a popular assembly. Nicholas ordered troops to open fire on the demonstrators, killing more than a thousand people in what would come to be called the infamous “Bloody Sunday.” -
Last Romanov Emporer
The last Romanov tsar was Nicholas II who abdicated the throne in 1917