Russian Revolution

  • Centuries of Autocratic rule by the Czars.

    Centuries of Autocratic rule by the Czars.
    This is how Russia was run for almost 2 centuries. It ended in 1917 when Nicholas II was abdicated.
  • Nicholas II becomes Czar of Russia

    Nicholas II  becomes Czar of Russia
    Nicholas was the last Czar of Russia. Also due to his poor handling of WW1 and "Bloody Sunday," it led to his abdication and execution.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    This is a massacre in St. Petersburg that became well known as Bloody Sunday.
  • Russia loses war with Japan

    Russia loses war with Japan
    A military conflict that forces Russia to stop expanding into the far east. This was also the first war where an Asian power defeated an European power
  • Dissatisfied workers organize a Strike

    Dissatisfied workers organize a Strike
    Workers were in a very disatisfied state because of the weak Czar Nicholas II. They organized a strike to show there unrest at the loss of Japan and Bloody Sunday
  • Russia Enter WWI

    Russia Enter WWI
    Russia entered World War 1 around this date. They Joined the war to help their allies Britain France and prtotect Serbia
  • Provisional Governament is established

    Provisional Governament is established
    This formed a new kind of government and was lead by Prince Gregory Yevgenyevich Lvov. Also this ended the 300 year old Romanov Dynasty
  • Czar Nicholas Abdicates the throne

    Czar Nicholas Abdicates the throne
    Army Garrison joins the workers in their strikes forceing Nicholas to Abdicate the throne
  • March Revolution

    March Revolution
    This revolution focused on the the Capital of Russia and St. Peters Burg. In the chaos the Duma assumed control of Russia.
  • Revolutionary movements begin to compete for power

    Revolutionary movements begin to compete for power
    DIffernt movements compete for their ideas to lead.
  • Lenin Returns to Russia

    Lenin Returns to Russia
    Returns to Russia Lenin lead the Bolshevik Party and was exhiled. HE returns to take the reigns during the russian revolution
  • Bolshevik Revolution topples Provisional government

    Bolshevik Revolution topples Provisional government
    Led by Vladamir Lenin they launch a nearly bloodless coup against the ineffective Provisional government
  • Civil War between red and white armies

    Civil War between red and white armies
    This was a civil war that broke out in Russia between the people that stayed loyal to the czar or anti comunist gathered power to oppose Lenin
  • Russia is organized into several self-governing republics

    Russia is organized into several self-governing republics
    Also known as the soviet Union. It is made up of 15 socialist republics
  • Bolsheviks change name to Communist Party

    Bolsheviks change name to Communist Party
    They changed the name multiple times through the year this was one of the changes.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk ended Russia’s involvement in WWI

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk ended Russia’s involvement in WWI
    This is the treaty the ended Russian involvement in WWI which cost Russia a lot of resources and made the russian people displeased.
  • Lenin establishes New Economic Policy

    Lenin establishes  New Economic Policy
    This is what Lenin's plan is for dealing with Russia's maimed economy from war comunism.
  • Lenin suffers stroke

    Lenin suffers stroke
    HE suffered three stroaks before Lenin died. This date was his third one.
  • Stalin becomes Dictator

    Stalin becomes Dictator
    Stalin ruled with terror. HE used his 5 year plan to transform Russia from a country full of peasants to a super power