
Russian Revolution

  • Start of Revolution

    Start of Revolution
    The Russian Revolution started in the late 1800's but became extremely serious in 1917. For years, back into 1825, people and even army officers revolted and tried to overthrow the government. One of the main reasons was because of a slow political change.
  • Russian Industrialization

    Russian Industrialization
    During the Russian revolution factories doubled starting from 1863 to 1900. Nicholas had a plan if he got foreign investors and raised taxes everything would go smoothly. Since Nicholas did this factories doubled their production and a particular product was steel.
  • Czars don't want change

    Czars don't want change
    Alexander the III was just like his father and grandfather, they were all very smart and very good at finding a way to get more power politically. The Czars believed that if you questioned authority, worshipped outside the Church or spoke another language other than Russian you were dangerous to them.
  • Worlds longest rail line

    Worlds longest rail line
    The worlds largest continuous rail line was ready to be built in in 1891. British and French investors helped to make this rail line. This rail line was not completed until 1916.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    January 22nd 1905 around 200,000 people workers and families approached the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. They did this because they all wanted more freedom, better working conditions and a elected legislature. Nicholas II's generals ordered their soldier to fire into the crowd. There were over 1000 injured and several hundred died.
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    In 1914 Nicholas made the decision that he wanted to bring Russia into the war. Russia was not ready for this because there troops generals and economy was not ready for this war. Over 4 million people were killed injured or taken as a prisoner. Because of this Russia made the czars look weak.
  • March Revolution

    March Revolution
    During 1917 woman led a strike. During the first five days woman rioted because there were food and fuel shortages. Soldiers obeyed orders and shot the rioters but later on they sided with them.
  • Bolsheviks in power

    Bolsheviks in power
    In 1918, Russia and Germany signed a treaty called The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Russia gave up most of their territory to Germany and their allies. When Russia did this russians revolted against the Bolsheviks, their policies, and murder to the royal family.