Russian Revolution

  • Decembrist Revolt

    Decembrist Revolt
    In December of 1825, the Northern Society, also known as the Decemberists staged an uprising.This group had a goal of overthrowing the czar’s government and hoped to set a constitutional monarchy. However, this revolt failed from a lack of support and poor organization. This event was important because it led to a decreasing loyalty of Tsar Nicholas l. This revolt also gave a spark of inspiration for a future overthrow of the czar.
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  • Nicholas ll Becomes Czar of Russia

    Nicholas ll Becomes Czar of Russia
    In 1896, Nicholas ll was crowned the czar of Russia after his father died of kidney disease. He was determined to expand his empire into Asia, leading to the Russo-Japanese War in 1904. Nicholas ll’s reign in Russia led to a new form of socialism called Marxism. While being czar of Russia, Nicholas ll handled many events such as the Bloody Sunday and World War l, and was said to have been the main reason for Russia’s long list of defeats.
  • The Russo-Japanese War

    The Russo-Japanese War
    Japanese launched a surprise naval attack at the Russian naval base in China on February 8, 1904. Russia and Japan were fighting for control of Manchuria, a region in China. Russian was left destroyed when Japan won the war and a series of victories. This war led to a declining power in Russia, and people began to question Russia’s czar, Nicholas ll. The Russo-Japanese War was important as it led to people beginning to demand more freedom in the Revolution of 1905.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    The Bloody Sunday was a massacre that occurred between Japan over Korea and Manchuria. Workers in Russia had an overall goal of gaining more economic equality. They expressed this by marching to the Winter Palace in order to express their demands to the czar. Over 100 people were killed by Nicholas ll, and he was given the nickname “Bloody Nicholas.” This event was important as it horrified Russians, which sparked the Revolution of 1905.
  • World War l (Russia's Involvement)

    World War l (Russia's Involvement)
    After a growing concern for Germany’s increasing power, Russia entered World War l with France and Britain as allies. Russia began to face difficulties staying stable with their economy and industries not being advanced enough to compensate for the much needed war supplies and transportation system. This event is important as it led to the creation of the Brest-Litovsk Treaty which caused Russia to lose large amounts of land. From this loss, many people were unhappy, which led to a civil war.
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    In March of 1917, people began striking and rioting in Russia’s capital, Petrograd. Crowds of people were protesting against the war and the shortage of food. This led to governments sending troops to bring back order in Petrograd. This event was significant because just a week after, Czar Nicholas abdicated from the throne, which had many proceeding effects on Russia and prompted the development of a new government system.
  • Czar Nicholas Abdicates the Throne

    Czar Nicholas Abdicates the Throne
    On March 15, 1917, Czar Nicholas ll was forced to give up his throne. After abdicating the throne, Bolshevik controlled soviets arrested him. This happened during the uprising in Petrograd, where the army joined workers on strike. This event is significant because Nicholas ll was the last czar in Russia, ending the czarist rule. This event also led to the installation of a provisional government, temporarily giving the freedom of speech and religion.
  • The Russian Civil War Begins

    The Russian Civil War Begins
    The Civil War occurred over a disagreement on the treaty of Brest-Litovsk, leading to a split between the Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks. Also, the secret police wanted to get rid of non-Bolsheviks socilalists by starting a campaign of terror. After this, a civil war was in full force.The war was a notable event with the Bolsheviks winning the war and expanding their territory in Russia.The war was also important as it brought forth the Russian Soviet Fedrated Socialist Republic political system.
  • The Creation of the USSR

    The Creation of the USSR
    In 1922, the Union of Soviet Social Republics was established (USSR). A treaty called The Treaty of the Creation of the USSR formally and officially created the Soviet Union. This was a country where the government was controlled by the Communist Party, and it encompassed fifteen republics. The USSR was significant as it transformed Russia into the most influential and powerful state, eventually coming to a rivalry with the United States over the largest world superpower.
  • Vladimir Lenin's Death

    Vladimir Lenin's Death
    Vladimir Lenin, founder of the Russian Communist Party and leader of the Bolshevik Revolution died on January 21, 1924, from a brain hemorrhage. Although Lenin died, the foundation he built in Russia continued to be utilized, lasting for over seventy years. Lenin’s death also led to an increasing amount of power in Joseph Stalin, a leader of communism. Stalin wanted to destroy the previous political party, putting upon great terror and control over Russia.