Russian Revolution

By Lwc0416
  • Dissatisfied workers organize strike

    Workers go on strike for low wages, poor work environment, etc..
  • Centuries of autocratic rule by the czars

    The czars had an ultimate rule of the country. They could control what happened and made the target of prosecution the jews.
  • Nicholas ii becomes Czar of Russia

    Nicholas took to the throne after his father passed away
  • Revolutionary movements begin and compete for power

    With a result of strikes going on, many groups saw this as a time to grow and achieve there goal
  • Russia loses war to Japan

    With the territorial dispute between the two countries they fought and after multiple losses, it sparked revolts back in Russia
  • Revolution of 1905-Bloody Sunday

    A series of social and political unrest, sparked by strikes, peasant unrest, anger towards the government, etc.
  • Russia enters WW1

    Russia was very unprepared for this war as in military and economically, this pointed out the weakness in there leader.
  • March Revolution

    Revolution wanting an end to the monarchy
  • Czar Nicholas abdicates his throne

    Nicholas is forced to leave the throne by Petrograd insurgents and a new provisional government is placed in.
  • Provisional government is established

    With the abdication of Nicholas ii, Alexander Krensky installed a new goverment
  • Lenin Returns to Russia

    Lenin returns after being exiled for 10 years
  • Bolshevik Revolution topples provisional goverment

    Led by Vladimir Lenin after the overthrowing of the provisional goverment.
  • Civil war between Red and White armies

    The white army who was made up of different groups had one job and that was to beat the Bolsheviks who were in red
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk ends Russia's involvement in WW1

    Treaty caused Russia to lose a large part of its territory to Germany
  • Bolsheviks change name to the communist party

    Formally change their name to the communist party making them the first communist.
  • Lenin establishes New Economic Policy

    Lenin introduced a free market and capitalism, both subject to state control
  • Russia is organized into several self governing republics

    Bolsheviks leaders saw nationalism as a threat to their country and organized Russia into self-governing republics under the central government.
  • Lenin Suffers Stroke

    Lenin suffers a series of strokes and passes away
  • Stalin becomes dictator

    Stalin grew his power throughout the 20s and once Lenin died he took over the communist party having complete control of the country