Russian Revolution

  • Nicholas ll

    Nicholas II became czar in 1884 and the last ruler from the Romanov family.
  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russo-Japanese War begin and defeat lead to to pol. instability.
  • Revolution of 1905

    Rapid growth of (discontented) working class and vast majority of workers concentrated in St. Petersburg and Moscow.
  • First Duma

    Mainly made up of radical deputies that demanded; Constitutional limits to Tsar's power, major land reform, free education, equality of tax and citizens before the law.
  • WWI (Russia Involvement)

    Russia's involvement spanned from 1914 - 1917.
  • Germany

    Germany declares war on Russia (WWI)
  • Battle of Tannenberg

    massive defeat at hands of Hindenburg and Germany
  • Resputin Death and the Cause

    Killed by the Czar’s relatives in 1916 to save the monarchy and the cause was the end of the 300-year Romanov dynasty in Russia.
  • February Revolution 18th

    Putilov Steelworkers go on strike, angered by a rumour of further bread cuts and this caused wave of industrial strikes.
  • February Revolution 23th

    a crowd of 90,000 women march through Petrograd protesting lack of food and demanding an end to Russia's involvement in WW1
  • February Revolution 25th

    Petrograd Garrison desert government and join strikers, Tsar effectively left powerless due to no military support.
  • Soviet Order #1

    Severely weakened the powers of the Provisional Government by decreeing that military orders were only to be obeyed if approved by the Soviet. Affirmed that the Soviet had the real authority and control of Petrograd.
  • The March Revolution

    The march revolution began because of food scarce and Tsar ordered soldiers to intervene; instead they joined the rebellion.
  • End of the Czar

    Czar Nicholas II gave up his power.
  • The Red Army

    The army was established immediately after the 1917 October Revolution and was led by Leon Trotsky.
  • October Revolution

    Trotsky arms Red Guard and Petrograd Garrison's rebels were against Garrison.
  • The November Revolution

    The November Revolution began
  • Russian Civil War

    Communists vs. their political opponents
  • Renaming Bolshevik Party

    Bolshevik Party renamed Communist Party in March of 1918
  • Peace with Germany

    Signed peace treaty with Germany in March 1918
  • Russian Civil War Ended

    Political opponents or the "Whites" surrendered in 1921 because of outnumbered, disorganized, poorly equipped armies.
  • Lenin

    was a Russian communist revolutionary, politician, and political theorist and ruled in 1921-1924
  • Lenin in Power

    In 1922, Russia becomes USSR or Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or Soviet Union and the new constitution written makes it a socialist state.
  • Lenin Death and The Power

    Lenin died in 1924 at age 54 while Stalin and Trotsky fought for power after his death.
  • Stalin

    He transformed the Soviet Union from a peasant society into an industrial and military superpower.
  • Cold War

    Global rivalry between the Soviet Union and the U.S. and the war began.