1937 BCE
Collectivization is completed
By 1937 collectivization was almost completed, kula
ks had been eliminated and the
peasants were afraid of Communist powers. -
1928 BCE
Stalin Comission
Under Stalin the state planned industry and agricul
ture with a commission called Gosplan. -
1927 BCE
Trotski murder
Stalin was content for Communism to stay
within just one country for the moment. Stalin cont
rolled the party. Trotsky was isolated
and thrown out of the Communist Party (1927). Trots
ky was finally murdered in Mexico by
Ramón Mercader, a fanatic spanish stalinst. -
1927 BCE
USSR under Stalin
After Lenin's death there was a struggle for power
between Stalin and Trotsky. Trotsky
wanted revolution to spread to other countries. -
1924 BCE
Lenin die in 1924
1924 BCE
Creation of the USSR
In 1924 a new constitution established the USSR (Un
ion of Soviet Socialist Republics). -
1921 BCE
End of The Civil War
The bolshevicks finally won th war in 1921 -
1921 BCE
New politics by Lenin
In 1921 Lenin introduced a New Economic Policy to r
estore order and increase prosperity
after the chaos of Revolution, Civil War, and War
Communism. -
1918 BCE
Russian Civil War
The Civil War started in 1918 with the white russians and the red army -
1917 BCE
The Bourgeois February Revolution
In February 1917 riots broke out in Petrograd. The
Tsar lost support and control: his soldiers
refused to fire on the mobs or deserted to join the
rioting workers. In March the Tsar gave
up the throne (abdicated) and a provisional governm
ent was formed under the leadership of
Kerensky. A republic was declared. -
1917 BCE
The Workers’ October Revolution
Leon Trotsky set up the Red Guards, a Bolshevik mil
itary force. On the 23rd of October (1917)
a revolution took place. The Bolsheviks, led by Len
in, attacked the winter Palace in St.
Petersburg and seized power. Bolsheviks moved the c
apital to Moscow and made peace with
Central Empires: Treaty of Brest–Litovsk -
1916 BCE
The Tsar take control
After a series of de
feats, in 1916 the Tsar himself took
control of the army. This was his biggest mistake. -
1914 BCE
I World War
In 1914 the Russian Empire joined World War I. -
1905 BCE
Japan defeat Russia in a war
In 1905 Russia is defeated Japan in a war and this provoked a rebellion
and the Tsar promise that created a parliament called the Duma -
1905 BCE
The Duma
The Duma is created