Russian Revolution

  • Abolishment of Serdom

    The origins of serfdom trace all the way back to Russia in the 11th century. It because the main form of relations between pesants and nobility in the 17th century. In 1861 Alexander proposed to enforce 17 new pieces of legislation that would set serfs free in Russia. He announced that personal serfdom would be abolished and all peasants would be able to buy land from their landlords. This had very seriously consequences for Russia. Now that there was no serfs tied to the land and there to work.
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    Vladimir Lenin

    Vladimir Lenin was founder of the Russian Communist Party and leader of the Bolshevik Revolution. He formed a type of ruling knownas "Leninism" and was the first head of the Soviet State of Russia. He was widley considered one of the most influentional and controversial political figures of the 20th century. Lenin denounced the Provisional Government and called for a Soviet Government to be put in its place. He proved himself a ruthless leader, willing to do anything to secure his power.
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    Alexander III

    Alexander Alexandrovich Romanov was born on the 10th of March 1845 in Saint Petersburg, Russia. He as the son of Emperor Alexander II of Russia and his wife Maria Alexandrovna. After the assination of his father on the 1st of March 1881 he was offically crowned and anointed on the on the 27th of May 1883.
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    The Transiberian Railway is a network of trains that connect Moscow with the Russian Far east and the Sea of Japan. This is the longest railway in the world reaching a length of 9,289 kilometers. It has been in use from 1916 and is still functional to this day/
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    Nicholas II

    Nicholas II was the eldest son of the Emperor Alexander III and Empress Maria Feodorovna of Russia and Alexander III successor. HIs offical title was Tsar Nicholas II, Emperor and Autocrat of all of Russia.
  • Russo Japanese War

    Russo Japanese War
    The Russo Japanese War was fought between the Russian Empire and the Empire of Japan between the 8th of Feburary 1904 and the 5th of September 1905. The war started between the two countries due to several years of dispute over control for land. This was the first war between a European super power country and an Asian nation. Casualties were high on both sides as was military cost, eventually in 1905 Japan called on the US to organise a peace treaty.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Given that all there civilians approaching the Winter Palace were unarmed and very calm it provoked public outrage throughout Imperial Russia and caused grave consequences for the Tsar himself. It is thought that Bloody Sunday was the start of the active phase of the Revolution of 1905.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Bloody Sunday is that name given to the event that occured on the 22nd of Janurary 1905 in St Petersburg, Russia. It occured outside the Winter Palace which was the home of Tsaw Nicholas II of Russia. A group of civilians led by Father Georgy Gapon were fired upon by the Imperial Guard as they approached the Palace in order to present a petition to the Tsar.
  • Events leading up to World War I

    There where many contributing factors to the outbreak of WWI. Tension had been mounting through out Europe for sometime with each country striving to be a greater power then the other. However the final event that is thought to have been the reason that Austria- Hungary finally declared war on Sebia was due to the Assination of Archduke Franze Ferdinand and his wife while visiting Sarajevo. They were assinated by a Serbian student and it was believed that the assination was planned.
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  • Players in WWI

    Players in WWI
    War began on July 28, 1914 when Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. What seemed to have just been a small conflict between two countries rapidly escalated in to a war between the biggest powers in Europe. Shortly after war was declared Germany, Russia, Great Britain and France were all drawn in to the way. This was largly due to secret treaties between countries that obliged them to defend certain other nations in the event of war.
  • Murder of Rasputin

    Murder of Rasputin
    When both Nicholas and Aleksandra refused to believe the truth about the alcoholic- sex fueled monster that Rasputin was it was decided that Raputin must be killed before the monarchy was completely destoryed as his hands.
  • Murder of Rasputin

    Murder of Rasputin
    Grigori Rasputin was a Russian peasant, healer and trusted friend of the Tsar family. Rasputin was the Tsar's personal healer and confidante when they realized that he was the only person that was able to help their hemophilic son who was also the heir to there thrown. There was alot of controversy concerning how much input Rasputin has into the Tsarina's decision making. Many Russians thought it was highly inappropriate and wished Raputin dead before he could do any real damage to Russia.
  • February Revolution

    February Revolution
    The February Revolution was from 23-27 of Feburary 1917, it was the first of two revolutions in Russia in 1917. At the time of this revolution Russia had been suffering from a number of social and economical issues which were caused by the impact of WWI and social unrest through out Russia. As a result of the revolution the Tsar Nicholas II abdicated his title and control of the government was handed over to Georgy Lvov as the leader of the Provisional Russian Government.
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    Provisional Government

    The Russian Provisional Government was the provisional governement of the Russian Repulblic which is the period immediatly following the forced abdication of Tsar Nicholas II.
  • October Revolution

    October Revolution
    Offically referred to as the Great October Socialist Revolution which was the siezure of state power. It followed the Feburary Revolution of the same year which was responsible for overthrowing the Tsarist autocracy that was present in Russia before the Provisional Government was developed. This revolution was led by the Bolsheviks and there army the Red Guard.
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    Civil war in Russia

  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was the peace treaty that brought an end to the war between Russia and Germany in the First World War. It was signed between the new Bolshevi government of Russia and the Centeral Powers ( Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey) This treaty ended Russias participation in WWI. In 1918 Russia was losing against Germay and struggling as a country in order to get out of the war they agreed to give land to Germany and paying reparations.
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  • The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

    The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
    The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics otherwise known as the USSR was a constitutionally socialist state that exsited in Eurasia from 1922 to 1991. It was was founded from the aftermath of the last Russian Tsar, Nicholas II rule over Russia. After his abdictation in 1917 Russia was taken over but a Provisional Government that was only short lived and taken over Vladimir Lenin shortly after.
    The Soviet Union was offically established in late 1922 when the Bolshevik parties started ruling.
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  • USSR

    On Feburary the 1st, 1924 the URRS was recognized by the British Empire. From the beginning of the USSA the government in the Soviet Union was based on a one part rule that was the communist party (Bolsheviks). In 1928, Stalin introducted a First Five- Year Plan for building a socialist economy. Under Stalins rule, millions of death occured due to famines and what was formerly known as Russia was at an all time low.
  • Trotsky into exile

    Trotsky into exile
    Trotsky was the founder and first leader of the Red Army and was originally a member of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party yet joined the Bolsheviks just prior to the 1917 October Revolution. Eventually he became a leader with in the Bolsheviks party and was a large part of the Bolsheviks Revolution. He was exciled from Russia in 1928 by Stalin himself whenthe revolution collapsed.
  • Joseph Stalins Death

    Joseph Stalins Death