Russian revolution title page

Russian Revolution

  • Alexander III becomes Czar

    Alexander III becomes Czar
    What does Alexander III do to cause unhappiness?
  • Nicholas II becomes Czar

    Nicholas II becomes Czar
    How does Nicholas rule compare to his fathers? Explain.
  • The Bolsheviks are formed

    The Bolsheviks are formed
    Who was the leader of the Bolsheviks? Why did he leave Russia?
  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russo-Japanese War
    Why does this war cause unrest in Russia?
  • Bloody sunday

    Bloody sunday
    Why does Lenin call ths event a "dress rehearsal"?
  • Duma Created

    Duma Created
    Why do the people want a Duma? Why does Nicholas II not want a duma?
  • World War 1 begins

    World War 1 begins
    What does Alexander do to cause unhappiness?
  • Revolution

    Why do the Germans help Lenin return to Russia?
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution
    What do the Bolsheviks do to solve Russias problems? What is the Russian reaction?
  • Civil war

    Civil war
  • U.S.S.R established

    U.S.S.R established
    Why does Lenin rename the country?
  • Lenin dies

    Lenin dies
    What happends when Lenin dies?