Period: to
Beguin to End
120,000 workers strike in St. Petersburg; government warns against any organised marches. -
Tragic bloody sunday
Bloody Sunday. 150,000 striking workers and their families march through St. Petersburg to deliver a protest to the Tsar, but they are not heard but insted shot and ridden down on multiple occasions by the army. -
The October Manifesto
Nicholas II issues the October Manifesto, a liberal scheme proposed by Witte. It grants civil liberties, the need for Duma consent before passing laws and a widening of the Duma electorate to include all Russians; mass celebrations follow; political parties form and rebels return, but acceptance of the Manifesto pushes the liberals and socialists apart. The St. Petersburg soviet prints its first issue of the newsheet Izvestia; left and right groups clash in streetfights. -
Tsar given honour
Tsar nicholas II and his son reseived membership of the union of the russian people. Also they responced to the supervention in the st pettersburg soviet, the moscow soviet prepares a desparing coup. -
Structure of the duma decided by Tsar.
Tsar declares the structure of the state duma and state council. The primised parliament , the duma, is dissolved when it makes an antigivernment majority.