1937 BCE
He ruled over the USSR using three tools
Cult of personality. Stalin became omnipresent by means of propaganda. There were pictures of him everywhere. He was the father, the husband, the grandfather of
every Russian. This presence was reinforced by the
World War II.
The Party. During Stalinism, the only way to be promoted, th
e only way of being
someone was by strict adherence to the ideas of the
Communist Party
The terror
. Stalin set up a secret service network that contr
olled every citizen of the
Soviet Union. -
1929 BCE
Private property disappeared
In 1929 Stalin began collectivising all farms (kolkhos). Another
type of collectivisation were the state farms (sovk
hos): owned completely by the state,
peasants worked as labourers, so they received wage
s even if the farm did badly. -
1928 BCE
A Five-Year Plan
A Five-Year Plan set targets for all basic industri
al factories and workers. They started in
1928. -
1927 BCE
Communist Party (1927)
Trostky was isolated and thrown out of the Communist Party (1927) -
1924 BCE
new constitution established the USSR (Un ion of Soviet Socialist Republics)
Each republic had a government but they all had to be co
mmunist, and the system was run
centrally by the Politburo (senior council) -
1924 BCE
Lenin died in 1924
1921 BCE
The Bolsheviks finally won the Civil War in 1921
The Bolsheviks expected communist revolutions to br
eak out all over Europe but, except for a
small one in Germany, they did not -
1921 BCE
New Economic Policy
In 1921 Lenin introduced a New Economic Policy to r
estore order and increase prosperity
after the chaos of Revolution, Civil War, and War
Communism. -
1918 BCE
Civil War and the formation of the USSR
White Russians:. The counterrevolutionary elements,
The Red Army. At the beginning of the civil war Len
in asked Leon Trotsky, a young
Bolshevik leader, to create a new army from the Red
Guards, an army of workers.
Trosky created one of the best armies in history th
rough discipline, organization and
ideology. Futhermore, war communism was introduced.
This meant the nationalization
of industry, the collectivization of lands’ and req
uisition of all rural production. -
1917 BCE
Provisional government
In 1917 Russia happens to have a provisional status -
1914 BCE
The Bourgeois February Revolution
The bourgeois wanted a liberal state and that the lands were private property -
1906 BCE
The Tsar created a parl
iament called the Duma with the
promise of a more democratic government, but this d
id not happen -
1905 BCE
In 1905 Russia ́s
defeat in a war with Japan provoked rebellion -
The Workers’ October Revolution
He wanted:
the end of the capitalist war.
power for the soviets: elected committees of worker
s, peasants and soldiers.
A revolution against the Provisional Government as
soon as possible (he adapted
Marx ́s ideas to the Russian context, this was calle
d marxismleninism