Russian revolution

  • Czar Alexander II is assassinated by the terrorist group ‘People’s Will’

    Czar Alexander II is assassinated by the terrorist group ‘People’s Will’
    On march 13 1881 was killed in the streets of st petersburg by a bomb thrown by the revolutionary group people will. The people's will group was all about assassination and killing the Czar to get rid of the hole Czar stage of Russia. They killed a lot of officials and made several attempts on killing the Czar before successfully killing him on march 13 1881
  • Czar Alexander II is assassinated by the terrorist group ‘People’s Will’

    Czar Alexander II is assassinated by the terrorist group ‘People’s Will’
    On march 13 1881 was killed in the streets of st petersburg by a bomb thrown by the revolutionary group people will. The people's will group was all about assassination and killing the Czar to get rid of the hole Czar stage of Russia. They killed a lot of officials and made several attempts on killing the Czar before successfully killing him on march 13 1881
  • Nicholas II crowned Czar of russia

    Nicholas II crowned Czar of russia
    Nicholas II was the last crowned Czar of Russia. He was never trained to rule Russia which was a disadvantage to autocracy. He was born in 1868 he succeeded to the Russian throne upon the death of his father, Czar Alexander III, in November 1894. That same month, the new czar married Alexandra, a German-born princess who came to have great influence over her husband
  • Bloody sunday in St. petersburg begins the 1905 Russian Revolution

    Bloody sunday in St. petersburg begins the 1905 Russian Revolution
    On January 22 1905, a group of workers led by the radical priest Georgy Apollonovich Gapon marched to the czar’s Winter Palace in St. Petersburg to make their demands. Imperial forces opened fire on the demonstrators, killing and wounding hundreds. Strikes and riots broke out throughout the country in outraged response to the massacre, to which Nicholas responded by promising the formation of a series of representative assemblies, or Dumas, to work toward reform.
  • World war I begins

    World war I begins
    During the conflict, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire fought against Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Japan and the United States . Thanks to new military technologies and the horrors of trench warfare, World War I saw unprecedented levels of carnage and destruction. By the time the war was over and the Allied Powers claimed victory, more than 16 million people—soldiers and civilians alike were dead.
  • The February revolution begins with strikes, demonstrations an munities in petrograd

    The February revolution begins with strikes, demonstrations an munities in petrograd
    On march 8 1917 the February revolution started when riots and strikes over the scarcity of food erupt in petrograd By 1917, most Russians had lost faith in the leadership ability of the czarist regime. Government corruption was rampant, the Russian economy remained backward and Czar Nicholas II had repeatedly dissolved the Dumas, the Russian parliamentary groups established to placate the masses after the Revolution of 1905,
  • Czar Nicholas II abdicates (gives up power)

    Czar Nicholas II abdicates (gives up power)
    Nicholas was neither trained nor inclined to rule, which did not help the autocracy he sought to preserve in an era desperate for change. The disastrous outcome of the Russo-Japanese War led to the Russian Revolution of 1905, which the czar diffused only after signing a manifesto promising representative government and basic civil liberties in Russia. However, Nicholas soon retracted most of these concessions, and the Bolsheviks and other revolutionary groups won wide support.
  • Lenin return from exile and arrives in petrograd via a sealed train

    Lenin return from exile and arrives in petrograd via a sealed train
    On April 16,1917,Vladimir Lenin,leader of the revolutionary Bolshevik Party,returns to Petrograd after a decade of exile to take the reins of the Russian Revolution. Lenin called for the overthrow of the provisional government by the soviets;he was subsequently condemned as a German agent by the government’s leaders. In July, he was forced to flee to Finland, but his call for “peace, land, and bread” met with increasing popular support, and the Bolsheviks won a majority in the Petrograd soviet.
  • Bolshevik uprising fails in petrograd

    Bolshevik uprising fails in petrograd
    On July 17 1917 a three day stretch of fighting in petrograd brakes out on the streets after the provincial government fails angering a lot of people including the Bolsheviks. It also caused massive strain with the army becuase they were fighting in world war I so the Russian army had a lot they had to do
  • The october revolution - the Bolsheviks take over petrograd

    The october revolution - the Bolsheviks take over petrograd
    n the evening of October 25th the Bolsheviks red guards moved on government around the city of petrograd. After they invaded the winter palace, and their were several government Ministers in the winter palace, in the matter of hours the Provisional Government were deposed and all the members either ran away or they got arrested
  • Russians Civil war begins

    Russians Civil war begins
    The Russian Civil war started to see who had full control of Russia.During this period a conglomerate of anti-Bolshevik groups, dubbed the Whites, fought to remove the Bolsheviks from power and restore some elements of the old order. Other groups not directly aligned with the Bolsheviks or the Whites fought for independence or control of their own regions.
  • Russia withdraws from WWI

    Russia withdraws from WWI
    The Bolsheviks of russia signed a peace treaty called Brest-Litovsk with the central powers. This caused abandoning the allied war effort and granting independence to its polish and Baltic territories.Russia’s disastrous involvement in World War I was a primary factor that led to Vladimir Lenin’s successful Marxist revolution in November 1917.
  • The Bolshevik party changes its name to the communist party

    The Bolshevik party changes its name to the communist party
    immediately after the October Revolution, the Bolsheviks refused to share power with other revolutionary groups, with the exception of the Left Socialist Revolutionaries; eventually they suppressed all rival political organizations. They changed their name to Russian Communist Party (of Bolsheviks) in March 1918; to All-Union Communist Party (of Bolsheviks) in December 1925; and to Communist Party of the Soviet Union in October 1952.
  • The capital of russia changes from St. petersburg to Moscow

    The capital of russia changes from St. petersburg to Moscow
    The German army was closing in on russia and the front of the german army was right next to St. Petersburg so they were forced to move everything to the city of Moscow so the German army didn't take over St. petersburg witch is the old capital of Russia and if the german army took over the capital of russia, russia would be out of everything and germany would easily take over Russia
  • Czar Nicholas II and his family are executed

    Czar Nicholas II and his family are executed
    Civil war broke out in Russia in June 1918, and in July the anti-Bolshevik “White” Russian forces advanced on Yekaterinburg, where Nicholas and his family were located, during a campaign against the Bolshevik forces. Local authorities were ordered to prevent a rescue of the Romanovs, and after a secret meeting of the Yekaterinburg Soviet, a death sentence was passed on the imperial family.
  • Russian civil war ends

    Russian civil war ends
    The Russian Civil war broke out in Russia in late 1917 after the bolsheviks Revolution. The factors included the Red and White Armies. The Red army fought for the Lenin’s Bolsheviks government. The White Army represented a large group of loosely allied forces, including monarchists, capitalists and supporters of democratic socialism. The long Civil War that lasted 6 years finally came to an end in 1922 when Lenin’s Red Army claiming victory and establishing the soviet Union
  • The union of soviet socialist republics (USSR) established

    The union of soviet socialist republics (USSR) established
    n post-revolutionary Russia, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) is established, comprising a confederation of Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine, and the Transcaucasian Federation. Also known as the Soviet Union, the new communist state was the successor to the Russian Empire and the first country in the world to be based on Marxist socialism.
  • lenin dies

    lenin dies
    Lenin’s government nationalized industry and distributed land, and on December 30, 1922, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or the USSR was established. Upon Lenin’s death in early 1924, his body was embalmed and placed in a mausoleum near the Moscow Kremlin. Petrograd was renamed Leningrad in his honor. Fellow revolutionary Joseph Stalin Succeeded him as leader of the Soviet Union.