Russian Revolution

  • Bolshevik Party Formed

    In the year 1898, the revolutionary socialist Bolshevik party is formed in Russia. They will seize control over Russia in 1918 after the October Revolution, and put Vladimir Lenin into power.
  • Period: to

    World War 1

    For comparison, here is the time span of World War 1 in relation to the other events.
  • February Revolution Begins

    This was the first revolution of two to happen during the Russian Revolutions. It happened because the people had lost faith in the czar, so they waged a revolution to throw him out and put in place a new government.
    This new government will also turn out to not be what the people wanted, and so begins the October Revolution. The reason it is called the February Revolution but takes place in March is because of the calendar being changed sometime in between now and then.
  • October Revolution Begins

    The October Revolution (which takes place in November in the Gregorian calendar) was the second and final revolution of the Russian Revolution. Because the people did not like the people put in power after the February Revolution, they had another revolution to throw them out. It was because of this revolution that Vladimir Lenin gets put into power.
  • Russia Leaves World War 1

    With the signing of the Treaty of Brest Litovsk, Russia promises to stop fighting Germany in World War 1. In doing this, Lenin can refocus his troops to win his revolution.
  • Tsar Nicholas II is Murdered

    It is on this day that Tsar Nicholas II and his family are killed by a group of shooters.
  • Lenin dies, Stalin comes to power

    On this day, in January 21st, 1924, Lenin dies from illness at an age of 53. Around the time of his death, he was opposed to Stalin succeeding him, but Stalin got power anyway. After this point, Stalin will gain a kill-toll of over 10 million people.
  • Period: to

    World War 2

    For comparison, here is the time span of World War 2 in relation to the other events.
  • Stalin Dies

    On this day Stalin dies, leaving behind a legacy of corpses and power. It is said he died of a heart attack because of his heavy smoking, but it has also been suggested he was assassinated. After