Decembrist Revolt
A small group of nobles tried to overhtrowthe czars because they wanted constitutional monarchy. This failed due to lack ofsupport and poor organizatino though. Five leaders were executed, with hundreds of followers being exiled. These people became inspirations for future revolutionaries. It also showed the people's loyalty for the czars was eroding. -
Nicholas II becomes the czar of Russia
Nicholas II become the czar of Russia in 1894. During his reign, Russia went from being one of the most powerful countries, to seeing it have an econmic and military collapse. He was nicknamed Bloody Nicholas due to events such as Bloody Sunday. He would end up to be the last czar of Russia. -
Russo-Japanese War
This was a war between Russia and Japan over Korea and Manchuria. Russia went into this war because they believed it would be an easy victory, and would make the people love the czar again. However, Japan had a different plan, and won the war. This left Russia with a stunning defeat, and made the military lose faith in the czar. Their was more economic hardships as well which would lead to people demanding more freedom in the Revolution of 1905. -
Bloody Sunday
Bloody Sunday was a peaceful march led by Father Gapon. He and his marchers were marching for better working conditions and some political freedoms. Thousands of unarmed men, women, and children joined him. A massacre occured. They were shot at and more than 100 marchers were dead, with hundreds more severly wounded. This led to more revolts, uprisings, and mutinies held throughout the country which in turn led to the Revolution of 1905. -
Russian Involvement in World War I
Russia joined World War I pretty early on in the war, once Germany declared war against them. Russia allied themselves with Britain and France to stop Germany, Austria, and Italy. After the people of Russia constantly protesting the war, Russia signed a peace treaty with Germany 4 years later. In this exchange, however, they lost Ukraine, Poland, and Baltic territories. -
March Revolution
March Revolution was a series of protests against the World War, and a shortage of food. The people were tired of not having enough food to eat, and having the military constantly fighting. They were also protesting for other rights such as the right to own land. This was one of the many events that caused Nicholas II to abdicate the throne, because he was losing his people's favor, and knew that a revolution was coming. -
Czar Nicholas II abdicates the throne
Czar Nicholas II left the throne due to events such as the March Revolution. After he left, the Duma set up a Provisional Government who passed reforms such as freedom of speecch and religion. A constitioun was made, but pretty much powerless. Soviets who were councils made up of various types of pepole were made to challenge the Provisional Government. This also was the end to the czars' rule in Russia. -
Russian Civil War Begins
After the czars fell, there was much contraversery about what direction Russia should take. Some people wanted communism, some wanted a democratic socialsm, some capitalism, and some even wanted to restore the czars. The two main parties were the Menshaviks(white) and the Bolsheviks(red). The more powerful Bolsheviks sent out the secret police to wipe out all non-red socialists. This led to a Civil War breaking up. In the end, the Communists won, and they divided Russia into the Soviet Union. -
USSR established
After the revolution the USSR, or Soviet Union was formed which is a confederation of Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia. This was a communist state, and the first country to be based on Marxism Socialism. The USSR kept on growing, and ended up including a total of 15 republics, and was one of the most dominant countries in the world. -
Vladmir Lenin's Death
The first leader of the Soviet Union, Vladmir Lenin, died of brain hemorrhage. Petrograd was then renamed to Leningrad in his honor. Joseph Stalin then became the new leader of the Soviet Union.