Russian Revolution

  • Period: to

    Russian Revolution

  • Reign of Czar Alexander III

    Reign of Czar Alexander III
    He reigned from 1881- 1884. He allowed the ¨Anti-Semitic sentiment¨, it was the persecution against Jews to strengthen Russia. He blamed the Jews for his fathers assassination so this is why he allowed pogroms(organized violence against the Jews).He aimed for Autocracy, Orthodoxy, and national homogeneity which means one-man rule, One religion, and one race.
    S: Alexander made a large population of the dislike the Czar even before Nicholas takes the thrown which causes them to revolt.
  • Czar Nicholas

    Czar Nicholas
    Nicholas reigned from 1894-1917 he thought that the people should not be involved in the government. This made the Russians feel ignored and angry. Because people did not like that they had no say in the government he created the Duma, an elected legislature intended for people to have some say in the government. He did this because he wanted people to like him.
    S: Created the Duma to make the people happy with his rule. He is in power when the Russians revolt.
  • Russo- Japanese War

    Russo- Japanese War
    A war between Japanese and Russia and over Northern China. Japan had an advantage in the war because they had built up more ground troops in northern China. Japan´s navy was superior to the Russian Navy because Russia was not fully industrialized.
    S:Russia lost land in China and became constitutional monarchy. The loss was embarrassing which pushed Russia to industrialize. Led to the creation of Duma to improve Czars reputation.
  • Establishment of the Duma

    Establishment of the Duma
    The Duma is an elected legislature intended for people to at least have some participation in the Government. People were mad at him because of Bloody Sunday so he created the Duma to make them like him more.
    S:Result of the Russo-Japanese war and Bloody Sunday, done to improve the Czars reputation.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    On January 22, 1905, 200,000 workers marched on the Czar´s winter palace. The people presented him with a list of grievances because they wanted their living and working conditions improved. 100 people died and 3,000 were injured.
    S: Allowed the protesters to become more angry since they wanted a peaceful march, the police open fired. Let the workers hate the government and Czar more. Led to the creation of Duma to improve Czars reputation. Caused more strikes and disorder throughout Russia.
  • Russia's participation in WW1

    Russia's participation in WW1
    Russia became involved in WW1 even though they were not imperialized enough so there military and economy could not support it. Russia was unprepared and lost millions of lives. This led to the weakening of the Czar.
    S:Russia joins WW1 to help out Serbia. When they join so does Germany. Russia was not industrialized so they dropped out of the war early and lost to Germany and its allies. They blamed Czar Nicholas for them losing the war.
  • Death of Rasputin

    Death of Rasputin
    Rasputin made his living by being an exorcist and healer. He was in the inner circle of the royal family because he was able to help her son. Rasputin wasn't liked because he convinced Alexandra, the wife of the king, to replace ministers with his friends while the king was away. This destabilized the government and made people unhappy.
    S: Contributed to Czar Nicholas´s bad reputation because people thought that Rasputin was controlling the Czars wife when the Czar was gone.
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution
    The revolution was fought by the Bolsheviks in an effort to create a communist gov. in Russia. They signed a peace treaty with Germany, but in doing that they gave up land which made people mad and led to the civil war. The Cheka, secret police that targeted enemies of the Bolsheviks was created.
    S:Led to the civil war. They won the war but ruined the country.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The Civil War was from 1918-1920 and was between the White army (conservatives and allies) and the Red army (Bolsheviks). They were fighting over control of Russia's gov. After the Red army won they established the USSR and a communist gov.
    S: The Bolsheviks established the Soviet Union and introduced the communist ways to Russia
  • Abdication of Czar Nicholas and the Establishment of the Provisional Government

    Abdication of Czar Nicholas and the Establishment of the Provisional Government
    The Provisional Government refused to end Russia's involvement in war or to promote reforms including redistributing land to peasants. It was overthrown by the Bolshevik Revolution
    S:Takes place of the ruler "Czar"
  • Establishment of USSR

    Establishment of USSR
    It was a Union of Soviet Socialists Republics, or Soviet Union they were self governing republics discouraged nationalism.
    S: Communist (Bolshevik) Party holds all the power was not true communism. The Soviet Union will exist until 1991
  • Lenin´s Death

    Lenin´s Death
    Lenin was a leader of the communist party, he gained all his support because he secretly sent out a newspaper all over Russia. He studied Marxist views during his studies and learned that history was comprised of a series of class conflicts, and the working class would overthrow the middle class, and would prevent anyone from owning property, there would be no need for a gov.
    S:When Lenin died there was competition over his replacement between Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky (Red Army commander)
  • Stalin´s Rise To Power

    Stalin´s Rise To Power
    Stalin Manipulates his way into power despite Lenin's concerns by 1928, Stalin made him a dictator is in total command of communist party. He was a totalitarian leader and controlled every aspect of people's lives. He used terror and propaganda to influence and police control.
    S: Stalin will later become dictator of the Soviet Union. He exiled Trotsky in 1929-later he was killed
  • Leon Trotsky's Exile

    Leon Trotsky's Exile
    Stalin forced Trotsky to exile from the USSR but then brought him out to Mexico where he did not "threat" Stalin. Stalin sent someone to kill him because he still felt threatened. Trotsky was murdered with an ice pick.
    S: Gave total command of communist party to Stalin