Russian Revolution (1880-1930)

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    Part 1

  • Reign of Czar Alexandere III (1881-1894)

    Reign of Czar Alexandere III (1881-1894)
    The only people who liked him was the nobles. He ristrictted were the Zjews went.
    Getting introduced to the upcoming events.
  • Reign of Czar Nicholas II (1894-1917)

    Reign of Czar Nicholas II (1894-1917)
    He believed un autocracy. Many people blamed him for their fails in World War I, Bloody Sunday, and more.
    He was forced to abdicate and give up his position from being a czar.
  • Russo Japanese war (1904-1905)

    Russo Japanese war (1904-1905)
    This was one of a major war that affected Russia and Japan fighting over the land of China. THey lose with embarrassment.
    People blame Czar. Wanted to change gov into a constitutional monarchy.
  • Establishment of Duma (1905-1917)

    Establishment of Duma (1905-1917)
    Many people were angered by Czar Nicholas's way of ruling he created the Duma. He created it so he would make the people happier even though he didn't really use it.
  • abdication of czar nicholas II/est. of Provitional Government

    abdication of czar nicholas II/est. of Provitional Government
    Czar Nicholas believed in autocracy. Many people blamed him for WW1, russo japanese war, rasputin, bloody sunday.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Many people wanted to show Czar a list of complaints. The BLoody Sunday was a day were many people and civilians were killed. Lessened belief in the government. another reason why the DUma was created.
  • Russia's participation in WWI (1914-1918)

    Russia's participation in WWI (1914-1918)
    They haven't industrialized compared to other countries. So they couldn't fight in the war as efficient such as mobilization and weapons. When in doubt blame the czar.
    People blamed czar bc he was on the battle field and lost.
  • Death of Rusputin

    Death of Rusputin
    people blamed the czar for leaving the government and giving it into the hands of his wife.
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution
    The Bolsheviks attacked the government. They ain power fast. They made a flag and a capital which is Moscow.
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    Part 2

  • Civil War (1918-1920)

    Civil War (1918-1920)
    The Bolsheviks created a group called the Red Armer. They wanted to spread communism while the opposing team, the WHite team, opposed from letting them spread it.
    Many of the other countries helped give their men to the white team which made a major loss of the Red team.
  • Stalin's rise to power (1922-1927)

    Stalin's rise to power (1922-1927)
    He manipulated his way into power despite Lenin's concerns. By 1928 Stalin was in total command of the Communist party and ha Trotsky exiled and killed. He will soon become dictator of the Soviet Union.
  • establishment of USSR

    establishment of USSR
    Self-governing republics discouraged nationalism.
    Communist (from Bolsheviks) party still held all of the power which isn't true communism. Stalin soon became a dictator as well.
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    Part 3

  • Lenin's death

    Lenin's death
    Setting up competition over his replacement. Leon Trotsky was the Red army leader/commander. Joseph Stalin rose to power after Lenin's death and forgets about Lenin's concerns.
  • Leon Trotsky exile

    Leon Trotsky exile
    He was exiled to Mexico but Stalin still thought he was a threat so Stalin ordered Leon to be executed so Trotsky wouldn't be in the way for his plan.