Period: to
Russian Revolution
Marxists Revoultionaries Split
Marxists revolutionaries disagree over revolutionary tactics. The more radical Bolsheviks are ready to risk everything. The charismatic Vladimir Lenin becomes leader. -
Russia is attacked
Russia and Japan competed for control of Korea and Machuria. Russia broke thier agreements causing Japan to attack them. They attacked them at Port Arthur, Manchuria -
Workers Demand Freedom
Two hundred thousand workers and their families approached the Czar's palace in St. Petersburg with a petition asking for better working conditions, personal freedom, and an elected national legislature. Soldiers fired at the crowd, over 1,000 were injured, several hundred were killed. -
The Duma's First Meeting
Nicholas promised more freedom and approved the creation of Russia's first parliament called the Duma. However, the Czar dissolved the Duma after ten weeks. -
World War I
Nicholas decided to drag Russia into World War I. Russia was very unprepared economically and military wise. They were no match for Germany. Many russian soldiers were killed, wounded, or taken prisoner. -
Let's Start a Riot
Women textile workers led a strike. Riots flarred over bread and fuel. Two hundred thousand workers swarmed the streets. At first, the soldiers were ordered to shoot, but they later sided with the workers. -
Raspution: The Monk Who Wouldnt Die
All of the women were mesmerized by his eyes. He is called " the lover of the Russian Queen" because he could make her do anything for him. He was also called a healer. Thats why the queen wanted him to heal her only son. Before he died, he wrote a letter to the queen saying that there would be a downfall if anything happened to him. The Czar's nephew was the one to kill Raspution. He tried to poision him, shoot him, and beat him to death. He drowned to death in a river. -
Invasion at the Palace
Factory workers invaded the winter palace, they called themselves the Bolshevik Red Guards. They took over government offices and arrested the leaders of the provisional government.