Decembrist Revolt
Was in imperial Russia by army officers who lead 3,000 Russian soldiers the rebels were called the Decemberists. -
● Czar Alexander II Emancipated the Serfs
Alexander II got rid of serfdom and the serfs. The serfs were people who were bron on the farm, worked on the farm, and died on the farm. They were treated like cows. WHen he emancipated serfdom the noble didn't like it becasue they lost a lot of their power. -
The Social-Democratic Labor Party splits into two groups, Mensheviks and Bolsheviks
There were two opinions in the social democratic labor party, this cause the split. The Bolsheviks wanted to be free of the Czar, whereas the Mensheviks wanted to keep the Czars in power. -
The Russo-Japanese War
The Russo- Japanese Wasr was the "first great war of the 20th century." IT grew out of rival imperial ambitions of the RUissain Empire and the Empire of Japan. -
The Revolution of 1905
People were protesting by the Winter Palace when soldiers came. Then the soldier began firing and many protesters laid dead. Many people liked the Czars and some didn't. This was the start of the RUssian Revoultion. -
● World War I (Russian Involvement)
Russia wa spart of the Allies during WWI. They fought against Germany, and Russia experienced heavy losses during the war. -
Czar Nicholas II abdicates the Russian throne
The czar Nicolas II was forced to adbicate the throne by the Petrogards. A previsional government was set up in his place. The Bolshievics took him and his family into a basement and shoot them becasue they were mad that he got rid of the sefdom. -
The March Revoultion
Protesters were in the streets of the Russian capital of Petrograd. Supported by 90,000 men and women on strike, the protesters clashed with police, refusing to leave the streets. -
Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks capture the Winter Palace
Vladimir Lenin and the Bolshievikc sieze power, catputer the Winter palace, Overthrow Provisional govenment. -
Alexander Kerensky becomes the leader of the provisional government
When Nicholas II's son declined the throne the Provisional governement had to step in and fix everything. Alexander became the prime minister for the Provisional government. -
Nicholas the II and his family got exuceuted
IN the morning hours of July 17 Nicholas, his wife, chiledren, adn servents were put in the basement of the prison house and shot by a firing squad. -
Vladimir Lenin dies and Josef Stalin becomes leader of the Soviet Union
Lenin died at the age of 54 and his body was placed in Moscow. THey renamed Petrograd in his honor to Leningrad. After his death Joseph Stalin took over and was the leader of the Soviet Union. -
Bloody Sunday
Twewnt -six civil rights protessters and bystanders were shot by soldiers of the British army. -
Russian CIvil War Begins
Russian civil war was fought between the Bolshievic red armt and the white army, the loosley allied anti-Bolishievic anries