Russian Revolution

  • alexanders death

    alexanders death
    Lenin's brother, Alexander Ulyanov, is hanged for plotting to kill Czar Alexander III
  • czer alexander death

    czer alexander death
    Czar Alexander III dies after a sudden illness and his son, Nicholas II, becomes the ruler of Russia
  • nicholas crowned

    nicholas crowned
    Nicholas II crowned czar of Russia
  • russian social and democratic labor party meet

    russian social and democratic labor party meet
    The Russian Social-Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP) meeting in which the Party splits into two factions: Mensheviks ("minority") and Bolsheviks ("majority")
  • bloody sunday

    bloody sunday
    Bloody Sunday in St. Petersburg begins the 1905 Russian Revolution
  • fundamental laws

    fundamental laws
    A constitution (the Fundamental Laws of 1906) is created, reflecting the promises made in the October Manifesto
  • beginningof ww1

    beginningof ww1
    World War I begins
  • rasputin murder

    rasputin murder
    Rasputin is murdered
  • provisional government formed

    provisional government formed
    Czar Nicholas II abdicates and includes his son. The following day, Nicholas' brother, Mikhail announced his refusal to accept the throne. Provisional Government formed
  • protest against provisional government

    protest against provisional government
    The July Days begin in Petrograd with spontaneous protests against the Provisional Government; after the Bolsheviks unsuccessfully try to direct these protests into a coup, Lenin is forced into hiding
  • new prime minister

    new prime minister
    Alexander Kerensky becomes Prime Minister of the Provisional Government
  • october revolution

    october revolution
    The October Revolution - the Bolsheviks take over Petrograd (also called the November Revolution if following the Gregorian calendar)
  • winter palace

    winter palace
    The Winter Palace, the last holdout of the Provisional Government, is taken by the Bolsheviks; the Council of People's Commissars (abbreviated as Sovnarkom), led by Lenin, is now in control of Russia
  • treaty of brest-litovsk

    treaty of brest-litovsk
    The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, between Germany and Russia, is signed and takes Russia out of World War I
  • czar nicholas II

    czar nicholas II
    Czar Nicholas II and his family are executed