Russian Revolution

  • Period: to

    The reign of Czar Alexander the 3rd

    -A large hatred towards jewish people
    -Believed jews killed the prio czar
    -He wanted Autocracy, orthodoxy and national homogenity
    -Pograms against jewish people
  • Period: to

    Reign of czar Nicholas the 2nd

    -Believed in absolute monarchy
    -Created Duma a constitution in response to bloody sunday
    -He fought with soldier in war and was blamed for all failures
    and in 1917 he abdicated the thrown
  • Period: to

    Russo Japanese War

    • A war between Russians and Japense for land
    • Japanese had more troops and better naval force
    • The russians believed their government was all to blame for their loss The Czar was overthrown and Duma Created
  • Bloody Sunday

    • 200,000 peasant workers marched to the czars winter palace in siberia in protest to working conditions
    • Czars police fired upon the crowd and killed 300 injured 1200 Much more internal strife among the Russians and disorder and another reason for the creation of the Duma
  • Establishment of Duma

    • An elected legislature of people to take some power from the Czar Led to a more stable Russia
  • Period: to

    Russia in World War 1

    -Russia entered the war when germany declared war on it
    - Was not succesful lost almost all battles
    - All blame was on czar
    Ended with the treaty of Brest litovsk between russia and the central powers
    * Czar is blamed and people are angry so they overthrow the czar and put in a temporary government that still does not pull out of war*
  • Death of Rasputin

    -A mystic friend of the royal family, and royal healer for Alexanders son Alexei
    -A member of Alexandras possey who was very influential
    -Assassinated by members of the Royal family who wanted him out of power
    -Wasnt liked because he assumed control of government and did a bad job
    Czars bad reputation
  • Russian Civil war

    -The Bolshevik party against the White army of conservative generals
    - The Red army was the communist party
    -The red army assassinated the Romanovs
    -Red army wins
    Communist Regime implemented in USSR
  • Abdication of Czar Nicholas the 2nd

    -Czar nicholas the second abdicated the throne in march of 1917
    - Set up a provisional government in place
    Provisional government screws up alot doesnt pull out of war
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    -The peasant revolution against czar nicholas the 2nd
    *Led to disliking of czar abdication fo throne and
  • Establishment of U.S.S.R

    -Under the Red army and Leon trotskys rule became USSR
    -Communist Rule
  • Lenins Death

    -Lenin died in 1924 setting up his competition to gain power
    Stalin rises to power
  • Leon Trotsky's exile

    -Leon trotsky was exiled to mexico
    -Later killed by Stalin who rose to power