Marxists Revolutionaries Split
Marxists revolutionaries disagree over revolutionary tatics. The more radical Bolsheviks are ready to risk everything. The charismatic Vladimir Lenin becomes the leader. -
Conflicts between Russia and Japan
At this time, Russia faced a series of crises between Russia and Japan. Both the countries wanted control of Korea and Manchuria. Both signed countries signed agreements over certain territories. However, Russia broke the agreements. In return Japan attacked Russians at Port Authur. This lead to a revolt betwwen the two. -
Winter Palace Massacre
Over 200,000 workers and their families went to the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. They wanted better working conditions, personal freedom, and elected national legislature. Nick ll orded his soldiers to fire into the crowd of people. 1,000 were wounded and many were killed. This was known as Bloody Sunday. -
1st Parliament
The first parliament met and it was called the Duma. leaders met and were called moderates. They wanted a constitutional monarchy like Britian. However the Czar was hesitant to share power with the moderates. The Czar got rid of the Duma after 10 weeks. -
The War Begins!
Because of all the revolts happening and the conflicts between countries Russia was pulled into WWl. Russia was unprepared for the war in terms of military cost,weak generals and troops. Machine guns wiped out most of the troops because of military advantages. Over 4 million Russians were wounded, killed, or held as prisoners. This revealed a weakness in the Czar and many attacked it. -
Women Take Control
Woman textile workers went on a strike because of the shortages of bread and fuel. This started many riots in the streets and many were angry. 200,000 workers stormed around begging for needed supplies. Soldiers shot people but after awhile the soldiers sided with the women. The Czar finally steps down in power because of this revolution. -
Creation of the Red Guards
Factory workers storm into the Winter Palace to arrest the royal family. They called themselves the Bolshevik Red Guards. They went in and took over the government so the Czar would stop ruling. They took control over government offices and arrested many government leaders. The Red guards were very anger with the Czar therefore punishing them. -
Treating Signing
Russia and Germany signed the treaty of Brest-Litovsk. A large part of Russia's territory went to Germany and their allies. Russians got mad, they did not like the Red Guards. They wanted to murder the Royal Family. -
Civil War
A Civil War happened between red and white army. Western nations likes the United States. They sent military aid but it barley helped. -
State-Control Economy
Lenin made a plan for state-controlled; instead he did Capitalism. He called it the New Economy Policy. Allowed peasants to sell crops, instead of them turning them to the government. Government was controlling banks, small factories, businesses, and encouraged for foriegn investment. -
Soviet Socialist Republics
The country was names Soviet Socialist Republics. Boisheviks renamed their party the Communist party. Lenin sufferen a storke, Joseph Stain wanted head of the government. He worked behing the sences to gain power. And he became commander of Communist Party. And was now a dictator.