New ussr

Russian Revolution

  • Exile of Lenin

    Exile of Lenin
    Lenin was exile because his brother killed Alexander II
  • Division of the Marxist.Socialist Democratic Party (Mensheviks and Bolsheviks)

    Division of the Marxist.Socialist Democratic Party (Mensheviks and Bolsheviks)
    The Mensheviks were social democrats and wanted to follow the Western model but the Bolsheviks rejected the capitalism wanted the all power for the Soviets and the leader was Lenin.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Protest where many people died and the state Duma reduced the power of the Star
  • Murder of Rasputin

    Murder of Rasputin
    The aristocrats were afraid of the influence that Rasputin had in the government.
  • February Revolution

    The women started the protest because there was not enough production of food.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    It was the opposition of the communism regime. There were two armies: The red army (Bolsheviks) vs the white army (Anti-bolsheviks)
  • NEP

    New Economic Policy. People could had their own small establishments.
  • Creation of the USSR

    Creation of the USSR
    Was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic. Socialist party. Create by the Soviet Union. Aprox. 100 nationalities.
  • Death of Lenin

    Death of Lenin
    He died because of natural causes
  • Stalin in government

    Stalin in government
    It was dictatorship. He eliminated the old Bolsheviks.