Russian Revolution

  • Alexander III becomes Czar

    Alexander pushes the working class and peasants. Because of this, peasants and working class dislike Czars before Nicholas, and revolted
  • Czar Alexander III dies

    Stepped down from throne, and after this government became provisional; Outcome: Czar Nicholas II's reign begins.
  • Russo-Japanese War begins

    After Russia broke agreements with Japan, they retaliated by attacking Russians at Port Arthur, and the outcome was that unrest sparked and people started to revolt
  • Bloody Sunday

    Many workers charged at the winter palace, because of this, more than 1000 were either wounded or killed and many strikes and violence spread.
  • Duma Established

    After R-J War, and Bloody Sunday, the Duma was established and because of this, the reputation of the czar was reestablished.
  • Russia Gets Involved in WWI

    Russia's military was weak to other foreign military force. Outcome: there were 4 Million casualties and hostages.
  • Death of Rasputin

    Rasputin was murdered by nobles, if they didn't, they thought it would increase his role in governing affairs.
  • Period: to

    Czar Nicholas II abdicates throne/Provisional Gov't. established

    The death of Rasputin was blamed on Czar Nicholas II, and many protested into an uprising, because of this, the czar abdicated the throne, along with the establishment of Provisional Gov't.
  • Period: to

    Bolshevik Revolution

    Allies from WWI entered the revolution. Also a leading contribution to Communist Russia.
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    Fight between Bolsheviks and Conservatives. Outcome: Russia becomes communist.
  • USSR Established

    Bolsheviks identified nationalism as a threat, so the USSR was the solution. The outcome: Bolsheviks rename their party, The Communist Party.
  • Period: to

    Stalin's rise to power

    Stalin was successor of Lenin and was planning on making the Soviet Union the most powerful nation(politically and economically).
  • Death of Lenin

    Died of Stroke. Outcome: Stalin came to power and was a cruel leader.
  • Leon Trotsky is Exiled

    Trotsky wrote about Stalin's power and how he uses it. Pissed Stalin off that he exiled Trotsky. Outcome out of all this: Stalin holds power as an absolute monarch.