Russian Revolution

  • The Russo-Japanese War

    The Russo-Japanese War
    In the late 1800s, Russia and
    Japan competed for control of Korea and Manchuria. The
    two nations signed a series of agreements over the territories, but Russia broke them.
  • Lenin

    He leads the revolution. He over throws the Czar.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    About 200,000 workers went to the Czar's palace and asked for better working conditions, more personal freedom,
    and an elected national legislature. Nicholas II’s generals ordered soldiers to fire on the crowd.
  • WWI

    Nicholas II made the fateful decision to
    drag Russia into World War I. Russia was unprepared to handle the military and economic costs. Before a year had passed, more than 4 million Russian soldiers had been killed,
  • Lenin returns to Russia

    Lenin returns to Russia
    The Germans believed that Lenin and his Bolshevik
    supporters would stir unrest in Russia and hurt the Russian war effort against Germany. They arranged Lenin’s return to Russia after many years of exile.
  • Russian revolution started

    Russians start getting mad at the government.
  • The Czar steps down.

    The Czar steps down.
    The local protest exploded into a general uprising the
    March Revolution. It forced Czar Nicholas II to abdicate his throne.
  • Bolsheviks in Power

    Within days after the Bolshevik takeover, Lenin ordered
    that all farmland be distributed among the peasants. Lenin and the Bolsheviks gave control of factories to the workers.
    The Bolshevik government also signed a truce with Germany to stop all fighting and began peace talks.