Decembrist Revolt
An uprising that took place in Imperial Russian. It was to protest ascension of Tsar Nicholas 1 after the death of his father. -
Nicholas II became cazr of Russia
He was the last emperor of Russia and he was forced abdication -
Russo-Japanese War
When the Russian Empire and the Empire of Japan fought over rival imperial ambitions in Korea and Manchuria. -
Bloody Sunday
Strikes and riots broke out because people did not like the demands that they were given. Many people died and many were wounded. -
World War I
The first world war, also known as the great war. It started in Europe. -
March Revolution
Many people had lost faith in Nicholas the Second so the joined WWI so a lot of money went to warfare and Nicholas II and his family were executed. -
Czar Nicholas II abdicates the throne
He was forced to abdicate the thrown and was executed with his family. -
Russian Civil War
This war was when the Bolsheviks(reds/ communist party) and the anti- Bolsheviks(whites/ non communist party) fought over Russia to see if the government would be communist or not. -
The creation of the USSR
When the Bolshevik party under Vladimir Lenin dominated soviet forces and other things this was the new social state in the former Russian Empire. -
Vladimir Lenin’s death
Vladimir Lenin was the leader the the Bolsheviks party, so once he died they had to find another leader that believed in the same things he did.